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Jetta's POV:

"Okay Miss Krow, you are released to go as soon as Mr. Clifford here signs the papers." I nodded and turned my attention to Michael, who was signing his name on the bottom of the sheet with his tongue sticking out just the tiniest bit. I laughed for a second and directed my attention over to the large window before he could see me.

"Thank you Mr. Clifford!" The dark haired nurse chirped and clipped the paper to her clipboard, "another nurse will be up to bring you a wheelchair to take you to your car. And no buts allowed-hospital policy." She giggled and waved before leaving the room, leaving Michael and I alone again.

"You like her, don't you?" I say as a dark colored blush rises onto his cheeks. "No I do Not!" He retorts and crosses his arms against his chest.

"Hmm," I say feeling his head, "that's a sign of bullshit, Mr. Clifford."

"Oh shut up. Maybe I do like her a little bit, but she's too old for me obviously." He shyly admits rubbing his hands up and down his tight black jeans. Michael's got the odd way of flirting. One way he will tell you straight up and the other he will fight against it over and over until someone makes him ask the girl. Weird that I know that, but hey we technically dated.

I slapped Michael in the shoulder, "Ask her out then Mikey! The worse she could say is no. What are you? 17? You're going to be 18 this year. I think she likes you anyway. Did you hear that giggle when she left? Michael, she wants you."

He rolls his eyes and glares back at me, "How do you always make things sound so convincing? Fine, I'll ask her." He sat there and looked around the room.

"Well what are you waiting for?! Go ask her now!" I pushed him out of his chair and onto the floor. Red faced, Michael got up and went to the door-"You owe me Jet. If she says no, you are getting me some ice-cream." He pouted and threw the door shut behind him.

A man in his late thirties came up to the room pushing a wheelchair a few moments later, "Ready to leave Miss Krow?" He set up the wheelchair next to the hospital bed and put the brakes on so I could get in.

"Yeah I think so. A little help?" I asked handing him my coat. My arms were still sore and a few bruises were scattered across them from the accident. His hands gripped the coat and he helped wrap it around my body and put my arms through the arm holes. I mumbled a thank you as I slid from off of the hospital bed and into the cramped wheelchair. The nurse-his name's Derek I think-started to roll me out of the door.

"So where's your boyfriend? The one with the colored hair?" Derek asked pushing the down button on the elevator. "Oh he's not my boyfriend. He's my only friend right now. We used to date though. He's down hitting on one of the nurses here." I heard Derek laugh from behind me.

"Which nurse?" He asks. I scrunch up my eyebrows trying to remember what she said her name was. "She had dark hair, kind of like hazel eyes, and man am I jealous of her eyebrows!"

Derek laughs again, "You're probably thinking of Dakota Smith. She's a nice girl. She's not even a nurse-she's an intern here. Her mentor probably sent her up to do her dirty work for her. Dakota's only 18-just turned. How old is your friend?"

"He's going to be 18 this upcoming November." I say and as the elevator door opens Michael and Dakota are talking at the front desk. She's slipping on a coat and Michael's almost begging on his knees. Probably for her number. Dakota sighs heavily one last time and gives in handing Michael her phone. Michael quickly types his number into her phone and hands it back. I hear Michael yell out 'Call Me!' before seeing Derek and I right outside the elevator. Michael's face gets red as he sulks over and keeps his eyes down. I laugh at how he looks right now. He's really embarrassed that I saw him practically beg a girl for their number.

"So Michael, how's Dakota?" I ask as Derek wheels me outside the sliding doors. "Wait you know her name? What the hell?!" Michael shouts and Derek laughs.

"I told her everything she needed to know about her. Good luck getting it out of her." Derek laughs and stops at the crossing lines. "Where's your car at?"

Michael clicks the button on his keys to set off the alarm to his car and the lights flash twice. Derek nods and starts to wheel me closer to the car. It feels good to go home after a week and a half of being in the stuffy smelly hospital. I'm sure Michael is glad he doesn't have to go there to visit me anymore, too.

"Glad you're better!" Derek wishes me well and takes the wheelchair after I get into Michael's car. He waves goodbye and the car starts up. Michael drives away from the hospital and onto the highway back to his house. I try to switch on the radio, but Michael turns it back off as soon as a bit of sound is heard.

"What's your problem sassy pants?" I ask rudely.

His eyebrows knit together and his eyes shone from the sun blinding him from the windshield, "You didn't have a problem with me asking Dakota out at all? Like nothing?"

"Well no. You and I both know that we need to find someone who is the best for us. You and I were a good couple I guess, but things just didn't work out. Maybe if things with Ashton and I don't work out I'll find someone who loves me and you will find someone who loves you just as much. And Dakota may just be the one for you. So no I'm not mad that you asked Dakota out. You need to move on just as much as I do."

Michael huffed and stopped at a stop sign. He threw his hand against the steering wheel with a loud thump and screamed at the top of his lungs. "Jetta! Don't you get it? I'm still madly in love with you! I have been ever since that day freshman year you helped me up after tripping down the stairs! You don't fucking get it!? You've been blindsided by Ashton's bullshit and you haven't seen that every time I look at you, every time I talk to you, Hell-even every time everyone is together you still can't fucking see that I look at you with those stupid puppy dog eyes every, single, damn time!" He hits the steering wheel again and yells out in frustration.

I was speechless. Michael still had feelings for me and I just dropped them then and there? Just like that? Oh my god I'm an idiot. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Michael, I-I didn't know you still felt that way. I-"

"Save it Jetta. I know you don't feel it back because Ashton's got you brainwashed with his sick little mind game of his. I don't wanna hear anymore about it." A horn sounds loudly from behind us. Michael rolls down his window and shouts out the window-"Fuck off!" and holds up his middle finger high and proud. He starts the car back up and gets closer to the house.

We finally reach the driveway after a long ten minutes of silence. Michael parks the car and marches straight to his room. I leave him alone for a little and stay in the living room on the couch. I try to think things through a little before talking to Michael again.

Time passes and I gain enough courage to talk to Michael or at least reason with him. I knock on his bedroom door. He doesn't answer and I pound on the door harder. He finally answers with an angry look plastered upon his face. I place my lips on his to remove his nasty stare. He stays for a second before pushing me away.

"I'm over you. I've got a date with Dakota-you'll be okay here alone for a while right?" Michael winks and has a snide smirk on his face before going outside to his car for his 'date'.

What the hell just happened?

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