BIABY: 6 (Part 2)

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Jetta's POV:

"So what do you say?" Ashton stood there in front of me, holding my favorite flowers.

"Ashton, I,"

"You what?! Is that a yes?!" he cut me off.

"No, Ashton. I wasn't finished," I took a deep breath, "we can be friends, but you make one more mistake-you will be out of my life forever. I will see nothing of you. You will see nothing of me. I don't talk to you. You don't talk to me. You have to earn my respect. That's final." I awaited his answer. I was holding my breath without even noticing.

Ashton popped up in pep after I said we could be friends again. He shoved the roses into my hands and wrapped me in a huge hug.

"I promise Jetta! I won't let you down!" He was about to plant a kiss on my cheek, but pulled back noticing his boundaries. Last time it got him a slap to the face. Smart boy.

I chuckled and tried to ruffle his hair despite my short size, "Okay Ashton, I have to get ready for my date with Michael. So I'll see you later."

"Wait!" He cried whipping out his phone, "put your number in here. I lost it from high school. I wanna text you later." I took the phone and quickly typed in my number, casually setting it as Jet. Then I gave it back.

"Bye Jetta," Ashton winked. That cheeky bastard! My knees practically buckled from underneath me. Good thing he wasn't watching. I went inside and closed the door. I slid down the cold wood running a hand through my messy hair. Why is he so perfect and why am I so confused?

"Told you," Brittany smirked sipping a juice pouch on the kitchen counter.

"Told me what?" I struggled getting up off the wooden floor,

"You're not over Ashton! I just saw you falling head over heels for him! It's like he's Justin Bieber! He's so hot. Everyone wants him but he only wants his 'favorite girl'." I forgot to mention Britt is a Belieber... At least she's a proud one!!

I was at a loss of words. I kept my mouth shut and sat back in the bathroom. I screamed to Brittany for her to finish my hair. It was going on 3 o'clock-three and a half more hours!! She doesn't have 'much time'.

-(3 hours later)-

The hours flew by fast but slow at the same time. Is that even possible? Well in my mind it is. I was sitting in my room playing with Adelyn. I built a block tower for her and she kept on knocking them down. I built another one for her but this time she did something different. Adelyn grabbed the red block from the top and chucked it at my head. It hit me straight in the forehead and it probably left a huge red mark.

"Ow! Adelyn!" I picked her up and set her in her crib, "that's not nice! Don't do that to mommy!" Being as ornery as she is, she laughed covering her mouth as if I couldn't see her laughing.

I hurried to the bathroom and sure enough there was a red mark right in the middle of my forehead. Great for my date huh? Stupid wooden blocks... I slapped on some foundation to cover up the soon-to-be bruise. I hate brushing easily.

Brittany did a good job on my hair. She put it in loose curls trailing down my back until it stopped right underneath my shoulder blades. She also placed a small silver glittery pin-that matched my dress-in my hair to keep it out of my eyes.

My make-up consisted on mascara, light eyeliner on the top lid of my eye, and that small bit of foundation I put on for the bruise. Besides that, I slid into my dress. It was even more beautiful now then it was at the store.

Michael arrived ten minutes early at 6:20. His mouth gaped open when I opened the door, and his eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"Shall we go?" Michael bowed being funny.

I curtsied, "We shall Mr. Clifford," we locked arms starting to walk out to his car.

"You kids be good now!! Nothing bad, you hear!" Brittany shouted from the doorway, carrying Adelyn, her baby bag, and her carrier to the car behind us. Michael opened the passenger side door for me. I got in while Brittany strapped Adelyn in the backseat. Michael got in the drivers seat and waited for Brittany to be done with strapping the car seat in the back. She finished and stepped away from the car waving goodbye in her work uniform. She had to leave in a few minutes.

Michael drove the car to Luke's to drop off Adelyn for the night. Luke and Calum were already outside when we got there. They were passing a football back and forth. They saw the car pull in the driveway and dropped what they were doing.

I gave them both instructions on what to do with Adelyn. How to give her a bath, how much formula goes in her bottle, when to put her to bed, and even how to dress her. What can I say, I guess you can call me over protective. Michael had to practically drag me out of Luke's house to get me to leave. I finally gave in and followed Michael to his car.

Michael drove for a while until our silence got awkward, "Can I turn on the radio?"

"Sure," Michael chirped. I turned the dial until I reached a familiar tune I recognized quite well. I sat straight up, happy and content with the song. "you like One Direction?" he asked.

"Yeah and no. This is Adelyn's favorite song. When it comes on she squeals extra loud. 'What Makes You Beautiful' isn't that bad of a song. It's quite catchy." I hummed along to the song. Michael laughed and muttered 'nice'. He sang along with one of the members and I listened. He's pretty good, wait, scratch that, he's phenomenal! "How much longer and what restaurant are we going to?"

Michael cleared his throat and turned the steering wheel to turn onto another road, "Well uh, change of plans. We aren't going out to eat, but it will probably take another ten minutes or so." Where are we going? I stared out the window, looking for any clues to where we could be going.

Ten minutes and several songs later, we just pulled into a small parking lot. "We're here!" Michael came to a complete stop and removed his seat belt. I looked around the area: a lake, bright, colorful lights, and a gazebo. Michael took my hand and entertained it with his. He took me on a stroll down a long boardwalk that appeared from behind a few small trees. We talked about the band, family, and funny little things that made us laugh.

An hour or so passed after walking down the boardwalk and back, "You hungry?" Michael asked I nodded and followed him to the gazebo. It was decorated with lights that twinkled and beautiful music that played from some speakers softly. A small tablecloth was laid out with food and a small candle on top. My mouth dropped open in awe.

"You did this? All by yourself?" I looked around trying to take all of the scenery in. "With a little help from Luke and Calum. I thought of the ideas though. They just set things up." Michael and I sat down on the checkered tablecloth. He took a lid off of a red container. My mouth started to water from the scent. "Oh my god, how'd you know?" I asked Michael as he took out two heavenly pieces of peanut butter-caramel smothered brownies. I stuffed the first one in my mouth and let the caramel dissolve on my tongue. Oh my goodness it's delicious!

"I asked Brittany, how else? Are they good?" Michael broke a piece off of his brownie and popped it in his mouth. Barely a second after he had shoved the whole brownie in his face and reached for another one or both of us. We ate the whole container of brownies, some chocolate covered strawberries, and Chicken Alfredo Michael packed. Over all, I loved this date.

We gazed at the stars for a whole under the gazebo until but Michael asked me to dance. He took my hand and helped me up. His hands rested on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Moving steadily to the music my eyes started to close keeping the memory in mind. I rested my head lightly on his shoulder. Olly Murs' 'A Million More Years' started to play on the speakers. Michael started to sing quietly in my ear, 

"I'm finding it hard, nobody knows
Got to hide my desperation before it shows
With no sense of time, I got it all wrong
We only ever spoke about it after you'd gone."

The rest of the song played landing on the final long note, "Jetta," Michael whispered. I lifted my heads so my eyes met his. Wow, his eyes are really pretty. Almost as pretty as Ash- 'STOP IT JETTA! You're on a date with Michael!' My eyes wandered to his lips, which were leaning in closer and closer to me. I puckered my lips and I could feel his hot breath hitching closer with every ticking second. Our lips were centimeters apart. Our two pairs of lips barely touched when my phone's ring tone went off. We both jumped from the sudden sound. I was pissed at whoever was calling right now. I grabbed my phone out of my bra-what? I had nowhere else to put it! It's a girl thing!- and looked at the screen-LUCAS ROBERT HEMMINGS!

"What Luke?!" I answered the call rather rudely. I wasn't in the mood for games and stupid calls from Luke.

"Get to the hospital and hurry," Calum replied sounding like he was crying, "Luke's in there with Adelyn." The connection was cut off. "Michael get to the hospital, Now." My voice threatened tears. Michael whipped out his keys and we ran to the car.


Hai guys! Sorry the chapter is a little late.... Just started high school a few days ago.. I'm typing most of this during study hall because I'm bored and I have sports all the time after school and on the weekends. I had most of this typed and then it disappeared... I was pissed :( Anyways idk what to say... My throat hurts and ughhhhh owwww :( 'You know what really grinds my gears?' when you say you might have strep throat and people go- "OHHH who you been kissing?" then you're like, "Hella NO ONE because I'm anti-social and single!! I'm not a slut!" maybe that will change this year... NOT the slut part... omg why did I even try to explain? cross that out in your mind..... kay? kay:)

Quick story about my History teacher:

He asked us if we could change the Siri voice on an iPhone to have it sound like Faith Hill or Carrie Underwood and that's who he thinks Siri looks like. He's like can I have it greet me like, 'How are you today big boy?' Or 'You're a handsome devil!' So now we have to help him change his Siri's voice... That's our goal for the year.

Do the usual and blah stuff please :) I got to give a chinchilla a dust bath! His names Galileo and he's so cute and fluffy and smart!!



Baby, I'm Amazed By You (5SOS Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz