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Ashton's POV:

@_AshsQueen: A daughter? Wow. #Ashtonfuckedup

@Lukey_Bae_b: I respect Ashton's choices-I love you babe!

@Mikeshairpiece: Plot twist: Ash's daughter is mine

@CalsBoomerang: Why keep it a secret? I'll happen someday #LoveyouAsh

@Teenage_Cal: Wow-this is almost as shocking as Calum's nudes #Ashtonfuckedup

There were about 20,000 more tweets with about five different hash-tags. #Ashtonfuckedup, #LoveyouAsh, #AshtonsDickMove, #5sosfamwelcomesbabyirwin, and #AshBabypicsPlease. Maybe I didn't think of the consequences of telling the world about my kid. I mean, yeah, it was going to happen someday. The band possibly wouldn't be together forever. Michael would have his family, so would Luke and Calum. The band wouldn't be an everyday thing anymore. We would have families other than the 5sosfam to take care of. I would have Adelyn and Jetta to take care of and live for. They would be my life-my everything.

I send out a tweet:

@Ashton5sos: No matter what happens, I love all of you guys <3 Llamas up!

Replies came flooding in, but I didn't bother to check any. I signed off of twitter and threw my phone to the other side of the couch. My head hurt. My palms were sweaty. Am I getting sick or is it just nerves? I want to go home. I don't want to be backstage anymore.

Luke, Michael, and Calum all came back at the same time from the showers. Of course, Michael wasn't wearing his towel-it was the usual.

"Dude, put the Cliffoconda away for once!" Luke laughs and throws on a pair of boxers. Michael argues and finally ends up with a pair of boxers around his waist.

"You feeling any better?" Calum puts a hand on my shoulder. I shrug and lie flat on my back. Covering my eyes from the light, I feel much calmer. The dark is somewhat soothing.

I point to the light switch across the room-"Can you turn off the light?" Someone scoffs and I'm not sure who. Although they turn the light off for me and the room is a little cooler. I'm almost drifting off to sleep before a voice floods the room.

"We were in the crowd you know," I jump up at the voice to see Jetta standing there with Adelyn attached to her side. At that moment, the world was put away. The only thing that mattered to me was my two girls right in front of me. I could feel my eyes shining with tears.

"Can I hold her?" My voice shook and broke a few times. Jetta sadly smiled and shook her head. Adelyn was set on the ground and quickly, she rushed over to hold onto my legs. Her tiny hands somehow gripped onto my dark skinny jeans. The blue-green shown brightly in her eyes as she looked up to meet mine. She reached a little above my knees. A few tiny teeth popped up from her top and bottom gums.

"Dadda?" Adelyn's little head cocked to the side, wondering if I was the guy she saw at the restaurant earlier. I bit my lip to keep from crying as I shook my head-"Yep, I'm your dadda." Her little arms wrapped around my neck as I held her tight. Tears started to flow down my cheeks. Adelyn let go of my neck, letting her little fingers wipe away the small tears.

"Don't cry, dadda," She pouted. I sniffled and smiled, "Of course," I stood back up, holding my two year old daughter in my arms. Jetta stood behind us, happily smiling with tears shining in her eyes.

"Save it," She interrupted, "you had to let the world know at some point. I respect what you did." I nodded and stared at the beautiful dark haired girl in front of me.

"Did you see what they've said on-"

"Yes," Jetta answered quickly, "some of it is hurtful, but life goes on. You get over it. I may have even replied to your tweet," Jetta trailed off and stared at the ground. My eyes widened and I grabbed my phone from the couch.

"Auh, what the he-heckie?!" I corrected myself, making sure Adelyn didn't hear my bad language, "there's like 20,000 plus replies! How do I know which one is you?!" Jetta smirked and shrugged her shoulders.


"Are you @Bang_BangingHemmings?"



"Not even close,"


"What? No!"


"It's flick, but no."

"I'm never going to get it am I?

"Probably not,"

We sat for two straight hours going over every single tweet. I haven't guessed correctly yet.

"I swear if it's something stupid like @MikesHairPiece I'm going to leave." I complain and watch as Jetta's face grows red, trying not to hold in my laughter.

"Are you kidding me?!" I screech and throw my phone across the room, "I thought it was going to be something cute, but no! You put a whole 140 characters on how Michael needs a hairpiece more than we say llamas!"

Jetta doubles over in laughter, "But you spent two hours looking for a useless tweet!"

"Yeah, I guess that's pretty funny." The laughter lasts for a while. This feels almost normal again.

"Jet, can I say something?" Her face turns serious.

"I guess, why not?"

"Okay, I miss you. Ever since the night I found out you were gone, I didn't know what I would do without you. Michael tried to help me through it at first, but I cracked. One night, I broke and I wasn't myself. I'll spare you the details, but I harmed myself. Michael came around and realized that I wasn't doing well. He helped me clean up and we looked at the pictures we took that one year at the ferris wheel. I still carry it with me." I pull out the folded picture and hand it to her. Her hands shook as she stared at the picture, looking at every single detail.

"And now I guess that when I carried this every single day to remind me that you were still with me. I know I may sound a bit whiney and needy, but Jetta, I love you! I've always loved you. Do you remember the good times? Do you remember the bad times that somehow turned good? Look, wait do you still have your phone?" I pause and wait for her to get it out of her pocket.

"You see this crack?" I point at the crack in the corner of the screen, "this crack is us. We've broke a few times. I've broke you. You've broke me, but," I hit the power button and the screen lit up, "We're still intact and we still work!" I ended on a loud whisper.

A small giggle escaped Jetta's lips, "What?!" I throw my hands up and complain. I thought my speech was pretty good-better than I intended.

"I love you Ashton Irwin, forever and always."







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