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Jetta's POV:

It’s been a few weeks working with Ashton by my side. I’ve gotten to know him more than I had when we were dating in High School. Finally, I’ve saved up enough money to buy Adelyn some small gifts for Christmas. Brittany and I are going to the store today to buy some presents for everyone and decorations and food for a Christmas party Brittany is going to have tonight.

“Bye Luke, see you tonight!” Brittany called, skipping back to her car. Her cheeks were rosy from blushing and her eyes twinkled. Luke waved to her and closed the door. “Ahh,” Brittany sunk into her seat running her hand through her hair. I can’t wait until tonight.” I hummed, knowing what she meant and turned my head to the backseat. Adelyn sat in her carseat soundly asleep. I smiled and turned back around as the car started moving.

"So are you and Michael official yet?" Brittany asked, pulling into an empty parking space and putting on some sunglasses. I shook my head, "No, not that I know of. He hasn't asked me, if that's what you mean." Brittany sighed and stepped out of the car. I got out, then got Adelyn from the backseat. 

The three of us went to Hot Topic first. She picked out a few graphic tees for Luke and a nice hoodie with a guitar on the zipper. I saw a shirt that looked quite familiar, picked it up, and showed it to Britt. She laughed and put it in her pile of clothes to buy.

"I'm buying that for Calum. It's from both of us." I nodded and looked through some more shirts to get Michael.

"Do you think I should get Ashton a gift?" I asked picking up a SWS tee. Brittany shrugged. "Do what you want, it's your money." I mumbled a yeah and put the tee shirt back.

We went to Toys-R-Us next to get Adelyn some things. I got some baby toys and put them into a buggy. I turned around to meet a younger looking guy.

"Hi!" He chirped. I furrowed my eyebrows, "Uh hi? Who are you?"

"I'm Nicholas,"

"I'm Jetta. I have to go check out." I turned the buggy the other way and pushed it to the exit.

"Jetta, wait come back!" Nicholos yelled chasing after me. I hurried faster to the checkout line. He kept yelling to me as I tried to keep him away from me. I quickly took a diversion to the restroom, hurried inside, and locked the door.

Nicholos groaned in defeat and talked through the doorway, "I will find you again Jetta. And then you will see the truth," I froze with fear and held my breath as his footsteps became faint.

I got out my phone to dial Brittany. She needed to come pick me up now. After she said she was on her way, I unlocked the door and peeked out. Nicholos was nowhere in sight. I grabbed my buggy with Adelyn and her carrier and pushed towards the checkout line yet again. I paid for all of the toys and headed out to the parking lot, but not before I waited for Britt's car to appear in sight.

I saw the small red car pull around the corner of the store. I started to roll the buggy outside, but then I saw  his face.... again. Nicholos leaned against a crappy old Chevy Malibu smoking a cigarette. His face scrunched up and he also had his phone against his ear. He was screaming into the phone, but I couldn't hear what most of the conversation was about. I didn't want him to see me so I snuck back into the sliding doors of the store. Who knows what freaky stuff he would do if he saw me.

Brittany pulled her car into the closest parking space to the front of the store. I saw her get out and grab her purse, hugging it against her body tightly. I waved to her from the large windows and she instantly sprinted to me. I was told I was going to be asked many questions on the car ride home, so I nodded agreeing.

"Whatever I do, you hurry and get to the car alright?" Brittany held my shoulders and shook them keeping my attention on her and told me to go outside and get to the car. I took a deep breath and briskly walked to the car. I heard Nicholos calling for me, but I kept my focus on the car. I tried to listen in on what Nicholos was doing.

"Get away from her. Now."

"Who are you to tell me what to do?!"

"I'm her best friend and I advise you to stay the hell away from her!"

I could hear Nicholos snort, "You and what army?"

I turned around to make sure Brittany was going to get to the car safely to see her standing with a gun in her hands, pointing it straight at Nicholos. His voice cracked as he spoke-"Oh! That army! I'm going to go so," and he ran for his car. I stood with my mouth wide open, not able to speak. My best friend of nine years just pulled a gun on somebody. Am I dreaming?

We both jumped into the car, hearing the squeal of Nicholos' tires driving out of the parking lot. He then turned into the left lane and was soon out of sight. Brittany slipped the gun back into her purse once she closed her car door. I still was starstruck.

"What the hell was that!? You just pulled a FUCKING GUN on somebody! Where in the hell did you even get a gun?!" I yelled, my heart racing.

"It was an early Christmas present from Luke," I gave her a confused look, "what? It wasn't even loaded. I took the bullets out before I got out of the car. It's just for safety purposes, nothing wrong with that Jetta." she smiled and laughed before driving away with the radio up to drown out the awkwardness that layed thick in the car's atmosphere.

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