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Michael's POV:

"I, uh-I got to go-c'mon Lyn!" The dark haired man scoops up the small child and sprints towards the exit, knocking over a waitress. Ashton wiped the couple of tears that dripped from his eyes and quickly stood up. It seemed as if a surge of adrenaline coursed through his body as he jumped over Calum and ran after the dark haired man and child.

"Ash, where are you going?!" Luke called for lad in the shirt with many holes, but received no answer. I slapped some money down onto the table, hoping that it would be enough to cover our lunch bill and ran after him.

Luke, Calum, and I burst through the doors to see Ashton crumbled to his knees on the sidewalk. Calum rushed over and helped the curly haired boy up. A car peeled from the parking lot and swerved onto the main road.

"He got away. That dick has my daughter, and he got away. I couldn't get her back. I haven't seen her in two years! Two god damn years, Michael! She's my own flesh and blood and I don't even get to see her grow up. She's without her mother and father because of some dick move I made," Ashton pauses for a moment looking up at my face with teary eyes, "I practically killed her Michael. Me. Ashton Fucking Fletcher Irwin. Jetta went out looking for me and got hit by a car and it's my FUCKING FAULT!" A couple with two small children walk into the restaurant angrily, holding their children's ears shut.

"Ash," I try to say without breaking down. It hurts me to see him like this.

"Michael! I killed her! K-I-L-L-E-D! KILLED! She's dead! Never coming back!"

Suddenly, a shocked gasp comes from Luke's mouth as he stares blankly behind Ashton, "Ashton, turn around."

"Why Luke?" Ashton snaps and pouts at him. Luke points forward, "Because apparently, the dead can come back to life."

Speaking of the devil-Jetta is staring at the back of Ashton's head, shocked. Although someone is with her. A tall caramel haired boy has his hand entangled with hers. His green eyes look confused as he watches Jetta not move from the spot she is frozen in.

Ashton whirls around and his eyes nearly pop out of his head, "JETTA?! WHAT THE FUCK?!  I thought you were dead!?"

"Jet, who is this psycho and how does he know you?" The brunette boy beside her grabs her hand tighter. Jetta stands frozen, too scared to move. She tries to create words, but nothing comes out.

"This isn't real. This has got to be a dream right now," Ashton grabs at the curls on his head and pulls.

"Let's go," I hear Jetta whisper to the guy beside her. I hear the pain in her voice and how broken she must feel right now seeing Ashton the way he is. The boy beside her nods and leads her back to the car they stepped out of.

Ashton is still sobbing hysterically, "Ashton, c'mon. We have to go get ready for the show tonight and you need to get cleaned up-you look horrible." He nods and stands there. I force myself to grab his arm and drag him over to the car. I take it as my responsibility to sit next to him and care for him, since he's like my brother. Ashton doesn't buckle himself into the seat, which means I have to do it myself. I trust Calum to drive us to the hotel to get picked up by a van to take us to the arena, so that's who I give the keys to.


"Ready?" Luke smiles, his lip ring glistening from the lights from the stage. He's always so excited to start every single show. Ashton smiles every so slightly before going back into the funk he's been in.

"Go ahead boys, stage is all yours!" Bill, one of the stage managers pushes Ashton along to his drumset. Calum follows suit, then Luke, and I'm last. I lightly pluck at the strings on my teal guitar before connecting it to let the whole arena hear it. I trace my fingers over the black 'X' on the bottom of my guitar for good luck and run out to my spot onstage. The lights are dimmed and a lot of people scream out for us. A huge flash of bright white light appears and I can see some people in the crowd now. I see a few signs varying through the sections-some I'm not even going to get into what they say.

Ashton starts up the beat to Eighteen and the show is off to a great start.

Ashton's POV:

For the first few songs of the show, I'm perfectly fine. I think nothing of the day's previous activities, but on drumming. Every eighth note on the high hat, sixteenth on the bass, quarter on the snare-I imagine myself back on one of the first days of practice. The 'ugly' purple shirt the boys said I wore gives me a good memory. Riding on my push bike and dropping it off in Michael's mum's flower bed and getting yelled at hours later for it. All of those notes brings back another memory and I smile. The crowd cheers and I go right back to serious drumming.

The third song ends and half the crowd cheers, while the other half are here mainly for One Direction. Which is perfectly fine, we're just getting our career started. Now the closer being Amnesia, I'm not looking forward to it.

Luke closes the show up thanking everyone for showing up and to be ready for One Direction shortly after. Michael starts the song on his guitar and Calum starts to sing shortly after. I tap quietly on the drumset and sing the vocals almost silently for the chorus. I look out at the crowd one more time and notice something I didn't see before. A little boy was hoisted on a young girls shoulders in the third row. His smile is wide and his little hands are flying through the air in excitement.

I lose control of my drumsticks as they both clatter across the drumset. The boys stop playing their instruments with a screech from the amps. The tears start to pour down my face. Half of the crowd gasps and starts to chatter loudly.

"Oh my god!"

"Ashton! What's wrong baby?"

"Shit, is he dying?"


"Auhhh, he's crying!"

I take the microphone from its stand and move to the center of the stage. Hushes fall across the crowd, along with a few loud, inappropriate comments. "I-uh, I have to confess to something."

Luke puts a hand on my shoulder and pushes the microphone away so the audience couldn't hear a word, "Ashton, are you sure that you want to tell the world?" I bite my lip and slowly nod. I'm ready.

"So the thing I have to tell you about is because of what I've had to deal with for two years now. I looked out at the audience today and saw this little boy in the third row. He looked so happy and he wanted to be here so bad. And that little boy reminded me of my daughter." I paused to hear the crowd erupt in shouts, "yes, you heard me right. I have a daughter. Her name is Adelyn. She was born two years ago and is the sweetest thing I've ever seen. She looks a lot like me, or so I've heard, and I don't know how any of you are going to respond to this. But I'll find out on Twitter tonight. Goodbye, I love you all." I sadly smile and start walking backstage to get a cold shower.

I need to face what I just told reality.


Morgan's back.

Back again.

Morgan's back.

Tell a friend. :)

Sorry guys, I've been super stressed about school and volleyball... Jeez, what has my life become?

Is there a favorite quote from my book that you really like? Let me know in the comments, if so!! :D

But anyway, there's two more chapters left :'( I'm sorry, but hey-thank you guys so much for reading!! ILYSM!


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