BIABY: 6 (Part 1)

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Hey guys! This chapter I'm going to give you guys the insight on almost all the characters POV's to make it easier on me. It may be confusing but it will be easier to read the way I write it. Thanks!! xx.

Jetta's POV:

It's been a few days since the incident with Ashton. I haven't been completely the same as I was before, but I've coped. Although on a good note, today is my date with Michael. Brittany has been bugging me about it all morning and it's only going on 11:30.

"How do you want your hair?" Britt asked twirling my long black hair through her fingers. She pulled it back to a ponytail then changed her mind, fish tailing it down my back. She groaned in annoyance ripping my hair out of the style.

"Britt, it's only 11:30. I don't need to be ready for a while!" I complained. My date is tonight and I don't even know what time to be ready. I'm going to text Michael.

(M-Michael J-Jetta)

J-Mikey what time are we going out tonight? ;)

M-I'll pick you up around 6:30 does that give you enough time to drop Adelyn off?

J-okay and yeah it does see ya tonight! :)

M-same here babe xx.

"Mikey's coming to get me at 6:30," I announced to Brittany who was still messing around with my hair. She stopped abruptly and pulled my hair.

"My god Jetta! That gives me-1, 2-seven hours to get you ready!! Let's go chop, chop!!" Brittany sprung up from her chair and pulled me by my ear to the bathroom.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow," I groaned. I really didn't want to get off that couch. It was so comfy!! Brittany threw me into a chair that magically appeared in the bathroom.

"Now, let's see..." Britt trailed off her sentence, "what kind of hairstyle would match your dress?"

I rested my head on my knuckles waiting for Brittany to finish her ADD spasm as she paced around the little restroom. I heard Adelyn crying from her crib in my bedroom. Quietly sneaking past Brittany in her prime of her huge brain storm, I hurried to Adelyn's crib. When she saw me at the doorway, her tears stopped and she squealed happily. I picked her up and changed her diaper quickly so she wouldn't get cranky because I was taking too long. I sat on my bed rocking her back and forth in my arms. Adelyn's eyes slowly fluttered shut and very soft snores escaped her small lips. I carefully placed her back in her crib and scurried back to the bathroom where Brittany was still talking to herself.

"I'm going to just curl your hair cause I'm not sure what else to do. I can't decide." Ugh, why can't tonight be here already?

Michael's POV:

I'm really nervous for my date with Jetta. Sure I've been on other dates before, but Jetta is different. She's unlike any girl I've ever met. Yeah I guess you could say it's because she's had a kid at such a young age, but that's not why. Her personality is strange. I really don't know how to explain it. She's just... perfect. When Ashton had her in high school, my life sucked. I would watch them at prom being all sentimental. To be honest, I was extremely jealous. I did have a girlfriend at that time even though I was 'fangirl obsessed' over Jetta. My girlfriend didn't know though. Every time I was with her I imagined her as Jetta. Is that creepy? Once when we were snogging, I accidentally said Jetta's name. Luckily, my girlfriend at the time misheard me and thought I said feta-like the cheese? She was an idiot though. We didn't work out as you can tell.

I layed in my bed for a while staring at my alarm clock. God, it's only 11:45 AM. What am I going to do for all these hours until my date with Jetta. Should I call Luke or Calum to come over for a while? Yeah, I should do that. I called Luke first. He said he had stuff to do so it's a no from him. I called Calum next. He apologised but he was going to see his grandparents in a few minutes so he couldn't come over either. Guess I have one last resort. I dialed the number and waited.

"Hello?" he answered sounding pissed.

"Hey Ashton what's up?"

"Oh just thinking.... How about you?" I heard shuffling in the background like he was shifting onto his side or something.

"Not much waiting for my date with Jetta later. Do you want to come over to hang and play PlayStation for a little while?" There was a long pause but he finally agreed and said he was going to be here in a half hour. I brofisted myself and hung the phone up. I threw my phone on my bed and cleaned my room just a bit: picking up the dirty pants, dirty shirts and socks, and some dirty dishes I didn't know I had stashed under my bed.

A half an hour later Ashton showed up at my front door with a large package of Oreo cookies. I let him in, rushing right upstairs to my room to play PlayStation.

"What game? I have a bunch," I asked him handing him a crate full of PlayStation games. He dumped them all out on the bedspread sorting through each one. He finally decided on Call of Duty: Black Ops. I slid the game in the slot and waited for it to load and handed Ashton his controller. He fumbled it by accident and dropped it on the ground. He mumbled a sorry and quickly grabbed the controller before I started the game. We started at Nuketown, since it's an easy level. I started on one side of the street and Ashton on the other. I really didn't think Ashton would be good at this game. He doesn't have a PlayStation, only a Game Cube-he's beast at that. In the next two minutes I was dead. How'd he get so good at this game?

Ashton paused the game after a while throwing his controller down and flinging to his back on the bed. Guess we're done with the Playstation. I'm going to ask Ashton for pointers about Jetta.

"Hey Ashton," he lifted his head up, "do you think you could tell me all you know about Jetta?" Ashton's face stiffened, but softened when he started talking about Jetta.

"Jetta Abigail Krow-born December 29, 1994 in Sydney, Australia. Her favorite color is green or red, like Christmas since she was born in December. She has her ears pierced but rarely wears earrings. She was a good actress-great at lying to her parents in high school. She sleeps without socks because they're overrated. Hates the cheesy old dates like dancing under the moonlight or a movie. She loves music. She has pretty small hands. Kind of a gamer when she's up to it. Her favorite flower is a white rose. There's a whole lot more but I don't think I have the time to tell them all."

Wow, that's a lot of things to remember....

"Why'd you want to know all this stuff about her Michael? It's not like you really have a chance with her anyway. No offense." Ashton put his hands up in defense.

"Who says I don't have a chance with her?" I raised my voice a bit. Whoa Michael, no need to get angry...yet."why is that Ashton?" I sassed. Who crapped in his cornflakes?

"You think you really have a chance with her? Really? I mean, c'mon." Ashton smirked and sat up on my bed.

Now I was starting to get mad.

"Well yeah, she's going on a date with me," I started counting off of my fingers, "um we already kissed, and what happened this past Thursday? She turned you down? Looks like I have a pretty high chance. What chance do you have Ashton?"

Ashton laughed, "Poor, poor Michael, I got the best of them all! I got the kiss. I got the date. Hell, I even got her virginity! That's right Michael, I had sex with her!"

"Yeah, that's why you have a daughter," I mumbled under my breath.

"What did you say Michael?" Ashton interrogated. My eyes grew wide. Oh crap I told! I wasn't supposed to!! What am I going to tell Jetta?!

"Nothing, wanna make a bet?" I asked changing the subject hoping he would trail off.

"About?...." Ashton shrugged his shoulders.

"About Jetta. It's either you or me. She has to pick," I crossed my arms in front of me and shifted to one foot.

"Explain," Ashton rolled his hand in an orderly fashion.

"Fine," I grabbed a random notebook from my nightstand and started writing down some rules for the bet. "Rule One-each person cannot be at the other persons date with Jetta, if you even get one with her. Rule Two-the bet ends when Jetta decides who her boyfriend is. Rule Three-you have to get along with Adelyn. The three main rules. Follow them and you might get Jetta."

Ashton signed the bottom of the paper agreeing to said contract and so did I.

"When does this bet start?" Ashton asked scratching the back of his neck.

"I guess tonight because of my date with her-bets on?" I held out my hand for a conformation handshake. Ashton stuck his out as well but before reaching it, he pulled away. "Sucker," Ashton chuckled and ran out the front door of my house to his car. Well then, someone is very sportsman like...

Shits about to go down, Ashton Irwin. The Michael Project has begun.

Ashton's POV:

I ran out of Michael's house to my car. I revved up the engine and sped away to the nearest flower shop. The closest one was 'Sarah's Blooming Buds' which was five minutes away. (I completely made that up) I drove there and ended up parking near the front entrance. I walked through the front doors with the little ringing of a bell sounding. A woman with small glasses at the front counter jumped up from reading a book. She looked to be in her late twenties.

"Hi, welcome to 'Sarah's Blooming Buds'! I'm Jo. How can I help you?" She spoke with a smile on her face.

"Can I get a dozen white roses please?" I winked at her. She blushed uncontrollably saying she'd be right back with the flowers. Jo scurried to the backroom. I looked around the flower shop at all of the flowers. This is where I would always stop with Jetta to get her favorite roses.

Jo returned from the back handing me the roses in wrapped paper, "How much for the roses, Jo?" I asked, pulling my wallet out of my back pocket.

Jo waved her hands back and forth, "No, no, it's complimentary! Go on ahead take them-they're free!" That's weird... I get free flowers? Okay, fine with me. I waved a goodbye and took the roses to my car. I layed them on the passenger seat and drove ten minutes winding up at Jetta and Brittany's apartment they shared. I rode the elevator to the girls apartment number. I had the roses in my hands. I rang the small buzzer to their door. Seconds later I heard someone scream, 'Oh. My. Freaking. God!! Can't they tell I'm busy!?'

A flustered Brittany came to the door, "WHAT?!" she saw it was me and almost slammed the door in my face, "get out of my face! SHE DOESN'T WANT TO SEE YOU!" I stuck my foot inbetween the small space of her closing the door. Ow.

"Really? I can't even say I'm sorry? Give me a few minutes of her time. You can sit there the whole time and watch us if you want. Britt, I'm begging you!" I got down on my knees, pleading to see Jetta, setting the white roses beside me. She scoffed, "Fine Ashton!" she then came and whispered in my ear, "you hurt her one more time you get one word-castrated. Now do you want that?" My eyes widened and I shook my head until it felt like my brain was coming out of my ears. Brittany closed the door and came back with a messy haired Jetta.

Brittany gave me an evil look pointing to my crotch and making scissors with her fingers. I shuddered at the thought of..that. "What happened to your hair?" I chuckled.

Jetta gave me an evil eye, "That is Britt's fault. She's attempting to curl my hair. It's not working very well. Now what do you want?" Wow she's straight to the point.

I took the roses and held them out in front of me, "Look, I'm really sorry for what I said at the mall Thursday. I didn't mean it. It was just a slip-up at the time. I love you to pieces Jetta. Truth is, Michael made me jealous. I really really like you and it kills me not to be with you. It kills me not to have you all to myself. It kills me to even be near you when you say you don't love me anymore. It really hurts Jetta, it does. So would you please take these roses as a token of my apology of how sorry I am that I hurt you. I really do hope we can still be friends just like your offer. Maybe one day when we get back to old times like in High School we can be more than friends. I would like that very much. So what do you say?"

Jetta stared at me, "Ashton, I,"



Leave a comment letting me know if this story is in your library. I really want to see who reads this and who doesn't

FYI: I'll FOLLOW YOU!! :D huh? whatcha say? do it for Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Michael??!! Please?! :D


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