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Jetta's POV:

"So that was Ashton?" My mother scoffs minutes after we take our seats on the plane, "he doesn't look a thing like her at all." She says referring to the baby in my arms, playing with her toes.

"She has a name. It's Adelyn." I grit my teeth and try to stand the woman next to me. Maybe I should move seats.

"So Ashton's a bad boy then? Dyed hair and the punk rockish look?" She snorts and turns her head toward the window.

"That's Michael. Not Ashton. And would you quit judging people? It's quite annoying and you won't make many new friends over here in America with an attitude like that." I smirk and bounce my baby in my lap. She squeals and my mother gives me a look.

"I'm going to try and sleep. See you in a few hours Jetta." She says laying her head on the window and closing her eyes. I sigh a breath of relief. If I was to talk to her the full almost seventeen hour flight. It's nerve wracking being near my mother again. My father hasn't said one single word to me for the twenty minutes that we've been at the airport and on the plane. Might as well start a conversation with him.

I turn my head across the aisle where he is sitting with Nicholos. I gave him the death stare. Why is he here? It's making my head hurt from thinking. My dad smiles at Adelyn and waggles his finger in her face.

"She's cute Jetta. Looks a bunch like you," He smiles even wider after hearing the baby giggle.

"Really? I didn't think so. She looks more like Ashton to me," I wrinkle my nose and laugh a little bit, "so what's he doing here?" I stare at Nicholos again. He looks uncomfortable and sinks into his seat a bit further than needed. 

My father's eyes widen and graze over to my mother. He finds that she is asleep and sighs a breath of relief. "Okay, this is Nicholos."

"Yeah I know. We've met." I interrupt and my dad looks over at Nicholos quite angrily. My dad whispers something to him and he quickly shakes his head saying 'no' over and over again.

"As I was saying, Nicholos is your brother. Not full brother-but half brother..." My dad twiddles his thumbs and waits for an answer from me. What does he expect me to say? "he's going to stay with us because his mother wanted him to spend some time with me, since I haven't seen him his whole life."

I shake my head, "Wait, let me get this straight. Nicholos is older than me, I'm guessing. So does that mean that you cheated on mum? Before I was born? Does she know?"

My father looks over at Nicholos then looks back over at me, "No, she doesn't know, and she won't. Do you catch my drift?" I nod and look back to my sleeping mother, "I told your mother that Nicholos is my long lost brother's son. That's why he looks so much like me. He's going to stay with us for a while."

This was a lot for me to take in. "I'm going to take a nap," I say and hand Adelyn over to my dad, "watch her please?"

My dad takes the little girl in his arms, "Gladly." He pokes her chubby cheeks and blows raspberries on her tummy.

I'm glad he is taking the granddaughter thing better than my mother is.

Ashton's POV:

"You have to be kidding me. This is a big joke to get back at me isn't it Michael? Don't lie to me, just give me the truth!" I'm crying hysterically over the phone. Jetta isn't dead. She can't be! I need her to survive! I can't live life without her!

"Ash, I'm not lying to you. She was trying to find you after you left her on her birthday and she got hit by a car when she was in the middle of the street." Michael explained as his voice broke. So it is true.

Jetta was my one and only. The one I thought about all day and all night. She had the smile that could light up my world. I lost the one who was my soul mate. We have a perfect daughter. Now she won't have a mother to raise her. Her mother passed away. Her mother is the only one who cared for her. Now it's time for me to take up the responsibility and be a father. I am her biological father and she needs me. But, how am I going to do that? I'm in an upcoming band. A band that is getting more and more famous. I won't have time to take care of her. I would have to take her on tour with me and the boys. I would have to be like in the movie 'The Game Plan'. Take Adelyn to all of the gigs and meet-and-greets. That isn't the life I want her to live though. Maybe adoption is best for her. I bet that she would end up looking for her birth mom and dad after she turns eighteen anyway. I'm not sure yet. I'll wait until the time comes. In the meantime-I have to find her first. If I had to-I would quit the band to take care of her.

"When is the funeral?" I ask.

"The what?" Michael questions and I bite my lip from saying the word again.

"The funeral. I want to see her before they bury her."

Michael clears his throat over the line, "Ashton, you can't see her." he says. "WHY THE HELL NOT?!" I yell and cry even harder.

"Because, because she wanted to be cremated. She's not being buried in a coffin. You can sprinkle her ashes if you want. I'm guessing the funeral will be in the next two weeks. I'm sorry Ashton. I have to go. This is too hard for me to talk about right now." Then Michael hangs up. My jaw hangs open and no words come to my mind. I start to shake. It's time to go back to an old habit I was hoping I would never visit again.

I head to the bathroom after grabbing all of my bracelets I have from my bedroom dresser drawer. Then I let all of my feelings pour out.

I miss you already Jetta.












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