It was simple and engraved.

"You always go all out

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"You always go all out. Don't you? I love you." He kissed me so hard and lovingly that Sami told us to stop.
"I love you too." I tell him. Resting on his shoulder.

He puts the ring on nod smiles the whispers.
"Your going to get something special tonight as well." I blush.

Since the pregnancy, I've been blushing a lot and crying doing things I wouldn't do normally but I don't care.

I got Sami a book necklace and you can open it and inside is a picture of me Rocco and her. When the baby comes we will take more photos.

"Thank you Lia! I love it!" She says putting her small arms around my neck

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"Thank you Lia! I love it!" She says putting her small arms around my neck.
"Can you put it on me?" I nod taking it and putting it on and around her neck.

"I will never take it off." She smiles touching it.
"Sami your present is back at home. But here it is." Rocco got out his phone and showed her a photo of a small pink mini.

"You got me a car! Thank you rocky!" She attacked him hugging him hard

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"You got me a car! Thank you rocky!" She attacked him hugging him hard.
"I'll teach you how to drive and then you can take your friends around in it." He tells her.

"Rocco she's 3 not 15." I tell him.
"I know that but it's fun."
In Britain we have tv Christmas specials so we were watching them before Christmas dinner at 6.
It was cute. Liam and Sami were fixed on the snowman while grandma was knitting a blanket for the baby in mint green because it's a cute colour.

Me and Rocco were under the massive blanket I have because my back was hurting so I was using him as a way to get of positioning myself into a comfortable position.

"Here, Rocco put the heat pads on her back, they stick then massage her back." Mum said to him so that's what he did.

"Does that feel better?" I nod and he kissed the back of my neck.
"Honey this helped me with you guys. Drink it." Mum gave me a cup of tea but it's her herbal tea thing.

I take a sip and cough. "This taste fucking disgusting." I say.
"Drink it. It will help." I roll my eyes and down the drink. 

I felt the hot drink go down my throat but when it hit my tummy I felt all warm.
I ate a lot of food. 3 plates of food and dessert plus a sandwich of the meat left from the food.
Now Rocco and I are in bed just talking and he has his hand on my stomach.

"How do you feel that your the mother of my child? Even though you said almost a year ago that you'd rather die then sleep with me?" He asked.

"I feel great and well things change." I replied and he kissed me.
"I can't wait for him to be born." He tells me. He?
"They. We don't know it's a boy or a girl." I correct him.

"Yeah but I really want a boy. Plus it's only 3 months before we find out. But next week we get to hear their heartbeat and when their born they are going to have your eyes and my eyebrows." He wiggles his eyebrows making me laugh.

"And they will have your smile and my laugh and your long blonde hair with my blue eyes. They are going to be strong and defensive just like me. But what I'm most excited for is watching you hold my son or daughter as you feed them with your now big boobs and sit back and think this is my family." A tear slipped out of eye as I cry from happy tears.

"You have everything planned out. Do you know what I'm excited for? I'm excited to see you playing with them outside, pretending to drink tea or play football. I'm excited to see you panic over a small bump on their head and you running to me like they've been serious hurt or something stupid like that. But for the most part I want to see you bonding with our kid." I tell him and he kisses me.

But it's it like any other. It's pure love and happiness from the kiss.

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