Chapter Eleven

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The battle started when I ran at Undertaker head on. First rule: be unpredictable. Undertaker smiled and prepared to block my attack. I smirked and used my new speed to disappear and reappear right behind him and deliver a powerful kick to the back of his head. Undertaker went flying and landed head first into the dirt. I could feel the curious eyes of my classmates watching our every move.

Second rule: use your surroundings to your advantage. I looked around the arena to see what I had to work with. There wasn't much. Just dirt, chairs, the ceiling... Wait. I looked up and saw there were beams on the ceiling. Faster than the eye can see, I jumped a hundred feet in the air and grabbed one of the pillars. I climbed on it and waited for Undertaker to stand. Call me crazy, but I'm not one to kick a man when he's down. That isn't much of a fight.

Undertaker stirred and stood. From this height I could see he was smiling widely. It always unsettled me how much he loved to fight. Especially with me. Undertaker looked around, trying to find me. I readied myself to drop down on him. At that moment our eyes met, and I fell, ready to drop kick him.

But he moved at the last minute. I used my tail to flip once and land on my feet behind Undertaker. Using the momentum from my jump, I turned to kick him again, but this time he blocked my kick by grabbing my ankle. I placed my hands on the ground and kicked him with my other foot. It landed and he stumbled.

"Very good, my dear. You are using the rules I taught you, but you forget, never reveal all of your tricks in the first five minutes." Undertaker said. I scowled.

"Who said that was all I had? You forget I'm a quick learner, my love." I said, using his endearment for me, which I've never done. His eyes widened as he smiled slightly. He liked that... Too bad I plan on using it against him.

We spent the next several minutes dodging and landing blows. Knowing I was strong and a fast healer, Undertaker wasn't afraid to hit me. But I could tell he was worried about going all out on me. He held back and it showed. I was winning. I decided it was time to finish this.

Moving fast, I punched him square in the face. Then I punched him again in the jaw. I did a round house kick, landing it on the side of his head and did another landing it dead center of his chest. Again he flew backwards and landed on his backside. Wasting no time, I jumped on him and pinned him to the ground.

He stared up at me as I stared down at him, our ragged breath mingling between us. I could feel the energy between us shifting into something more intimate. It became more heated, but in a passionate way. It took everything I had not to lean down and kiss him in front of everyone. Tightening my grip on his wrists I forced myself to think through my clouded thoughts.

"Do you surrender and admit defeat?" I spoke softly.

"Do you want to kiss me right now?" Undertaker asked with a smile.

"Answer my question." I said.

"If you answer mine, you have the answer to yours. Do you want to kiss me at this very moment?"

"Yes." I whispered without hesitation. Undertaker smiled, threw a quick glance towards the group watching us, and leaned up to press his lips to mine in a hungry kiss. My body immediately relaxed into the kiss, and like always, he pulled away too soon.

"Alright, Kate, I admit defeat. You win." I nodded, slightly dazed and released him. I moved away from him so that I could regain my composure. Undertaker sat up and stared at me. "You know, I really do like that outfit on you. It suits you. I makes you look beautiful and dangerous at the same time."

"Yes, I like it myself. It's very comfortable and easy to fight in."

"I think you have found your Shinigami outfit." Undertaker chuckled.

Good Kitty (An Undertaker love story) Watty2014Where stories live. Discover now