Chapter Ten

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The first semester at the academy went by pretty fast. It was all about book stuff. Shinigami history, what it meant to be a Shinigami, rules and regulations, proper procedures, techniques, information on Death Scythes, where they came from, what kind there are, and the different levels of power. Apparently the size of your Death Scythe shows the power of your soul. And if you don't follow the rules, then the higher ups seal away parts of your soul as punishment. The ending result being a smaller and weaker Death Scythe.

I passed this semester with flying colors thanks to Undertaker's teachings. Johnathan and his hate group never bothered me again after the run in with Undertaker and after Maya stood up for me. I soon later found out that Maya and Johnathan were twins. Out of the two, Maya had the strongest soul. We became fast friends. Which was odd. I never had a friend before, except for Undertaker. But he didn't really count as a friend after we kissed and I confessed I was falling in love with him.

The second semester has started. This semester is all about physical training, keeping us fit and agile and increasing stamina. I can tell this is going to be my favorite class. I like fight training. I always looked forward to it when my mother and father trained me. And when Undertaker helped me sharpen my skills a bit more.

This is also where Williams part of the deal comes through. Undertaker is to accompany me each day to the arena where we will learn how to fight. As Mr. Blackwell teaches the other students, Undertaker will teach me one on one.

"Kate, my love, it's time to go. You don't want to be late for your first day of fight training." Undertaker sang.

"Coming!" I called as I ran into the other room, my dress flowing behind me. I saw Undertakers eyes light up as he saw me.

" You look beautiful, my dear." He leaned down and gave me a quick peck on the lips. Even that small kiss can send my heart fluttering.

"Th-thank you, Undertaker."

Undertaker took my hand and lead me out the door of our dorm. Instead of taking a right towards the school, we took a left towards the Soul Library. Before we reached the library, Undertaker took another left and lead me up a path for several minutes. I was beginning to think he was leading me no where until a large, oval shaped building came into view. He lead me through the doors and down a long hallway. We finally came out into a large indoor dirt field surrounded by upraised seats. In the center of the field was my class.

When we reached them, Mr. Blackwell eyed me for a second, a strange look in his eyes I've never see before in him, then turned to the rest of the class and spoke. "Now that we are all here, please, go to the locker rooms and change into your training gear. Dismissed."

"Where are the locker rooms?" I asked no one in reticular. Before Undertaker could speak, Maya came over and grabbed my arm.

"Don't worry, Mr. Undertaker, I'll show Kate where to go!"

Maya then proceeded to pull me away from Undertaker and into another long hallway. We walked about ten feet in and she took a right into, what I'm guessing, is the locker room. She dragged me to a wall that had small, wooden cubbies lined up side by side. In each cubby was a red and white outfit.

"This one is mine." Maya said. "And the one beside me is yours." I nodded my thanks and pulled out the outfit and unfolded it.

The pants were red. They tied at the top around the waist and the legs were very loose. The top was white and looked like it had to be tied around you like a robe. The sleeves were long and wide around the arms. Just below the shoulders, there was a slit in the fabric.

The outfit looked so complicated, I had a feeling I was going to need help putting it on. I turned to Maya to ask, only to stop and see she was already dressed in the same red and white outfit I held in my hands.

Good Kitty (An Undertaker love story) Watty2014Where stories live. Discover now