Authors Note!!!

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Hello my little Underlings! (Trying new tag, you like?)

I am just informing you that I have entered "Good Kitty" into the Watty Awards for Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) Under the category guessed it! Our wonderful Legendary Shinigami Undertaker!

If you feel my story should win, please vote for it and share with your friends and have them vote too!

Here's the link:

Voting starts June 6th and ends July 6th. That's ONE MONTH! So, please show your love and support for "Good Kitty" by voting and, possibly help me win!

I have a REALLY GOOD feeling about this story! So vote it up!

Oh, by the way, the next chapter should be soon. However, I'm debating on if I want to end the story here and start on the sequal, or if i should continue with story and just to a time skip. Please let me know which you would prefer in the comments. The one with the most requests will be the one i will do.

Remember: This is for you! Without your love, support, and feedback, this story would not happen. Nor be as good as it is.

Well.....That is all. If you like the story, vote for it in the Watty Awards! Share with your fellow Underlings!

Tata For Now My Lovely, Loyal Underlings! Immortal Shinigami love all around! =)))

Good Kitty (An Undertaker love story) Watty2014Where stories live. Discover now