What's this about a Sequel?!?

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Here it is my lovely Underlings!!! The news you have been waiting for!!! The prologue to the sequel to Good Kitty is finally out!!!!! It is called Undertaken Kitten. Give it a read! I promise you, I won't fall off the face of the earth again. I was in a bad place and the stress of that place got to me and put me in a creative block. I couldn't even draw or crochet to relax. But I'm in a better place now. The creative juices are flowing. And I know where in want this story to go. So updates should come fairly soon. I hope you haven't given up on me, my Underlings. But the story hasn't ended yet. There is still more in store for Kate and Undertaker. :)))))

I love you all!!!! It was you guys I kept worrying about when I was in that dark place. I was so upset I hadn't updated for you. :,( please don't hate me. I'll try making it up to you guys. I promise!

Good Kitty (An Undertaker love story) Watty2014Where stories live. Discover now