Chapter Seven

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The day came all too soon. The beginning of my first semester at the Shinigami Academy started today. The day my whole life would change forever. The day my life finally has a purpose. Undertaker told me that after he leaves me at the academy doors, I wouldn't see him as often.

"It's like a boarding school, love. You live on campus and are allowed to leave at designated times or if a certain time is requested and approved of by the Headmaster." Undertaker said after I demanded an explanation from him.

"You will come see me right? You won't leave me here all alone, will you?" I asked saddened.

"Of course I won't leave you. I will see you on every day that I am allowed." Undertaker said. Somewhere in the distance, a deep toned bell rang, alerting the students that school was about to begin. I could feel a sense of urgency arise between us. I didn't want to leave him for god knows how long. And he didn't want to leave me either.

"I'll miss you." I murmured, hoping I wasn't the only one who felt that way.

To my relief, Undertaker smiled and said: "I will miss you too, my dear sweet Katie Cat." Then I was pulled into a tight hug that said everything Undertaker couldn't. He would more than just miss me. He would be lost without me. I returned his hug with just as much force, to show him I felt the same way. All too soon, he released me.

"I better get to class." I said sadly, a hollow feeling forming in my chest.

I turned to walk into the building, only to be pulled back into those warm, familiar arms and Undertakers lips crashing down onto mine. For a second I was stunned and couldn't move. However, when Undertaker's lips gently moved against mine, my body melted and I kissed him back. It seemed like my whole world stopped and time froze. If only that were the case. Undertaker pulled away from me, his smile wide and genuine, and his golden green eyes filled with love. He caressed my cheek. Now I really didn't want to leave him. But the minute bell rang and I had to run to class. Before I entered the building, I threw a quick glance over my shoulder to get a last look at Undertaker, only to see he was already gone.

I barely made it to class before the final bell. All the students were already in their seats. The heavy wooden doors slammed shut behind me and all 41 pairs of golden green eyes shifted to me. Many of those eyes turned into glares as they took in my cat ears and my tail. I could hear every word being whispered amongst them.

"Are you lost, you freak?" One said.

"You don't belong here, go back to whatever hole you dug yourself out of, Past-timer." Another said.

And many kept saying: "Over-due." And "Freak."

So, this school wasn't unlike any of the other human schools I've been to. That's fine by me. That just means I already know how to handle them. Shinigami or not, a bully is a bully, no matter what species they are. So I just ignored them and walked to my seat with my head held high. Many of them tried to trip me as I walked by, but that proved to be rather difficult with my heightened sense of balance.

The teacher, who was standing at the black board at the front of the room, turned to address us.

"Hello, and welcome to the Shinigami Academy. I will be your teacher until you become Shinigami, or until you fail and are removed from the program. My name is August Blackwell. Now, as you may have noticed, we have a Werecat in our class. This has never happened in our histories, and I will be the first to say, I am interested in seeing what you can achieve." The teachers Shinigami colored eyes found me amongst the other students.

"Now, to begin, I would like to know if any of you have ever reaped a soul before." I looked around nervously. No one else was moving. "Come on, don't be shy, people. Just stand up."

Good Kitty (An Undertaker love story) Watty2014Where stories live. Discover now