Chapter Four

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After we had tea, we headed back to his shop and home. On the way, we came across a shop that sold various types of hats and head scarves. Undertaker looked at me, smiled slightly, and walked in. I waited several minutes before he emerged again holding a single, medium sized box under one arm and a white cloth in his free hand. He gently set the box on a wooden bench and turned to me.

"Close your eyes." Undertaker said with a smile. Raising an eyebrow, I did as I was told. Suddenly I feel something being wrapped around my head, holding my cat ears flat against my skull.

"Ok, open them." Undertaker said from behind me. When did he get there?

I opened my eyes and saw my reflection in the shop window. Undertaker had put a snow white head scarf on me to cover my ears. I looked completely normal. Like every other female walking on the street around me. To be honest, I almost forgot I even had feline ears on the top of my head. I mean, they've always been there. I'm just so used to being around my own kind, that it didn't matter if they were seen or not.

"What do you think?" Undertaker asked.

"I look like a normal human." I said in awe.

"That's the point, my dear. But there are two rules if you are to stay with me." Undertaker said.

"Rules? What on earth could they be?" I asked, turning to face him.

"The rules are: the second you enter the shop, that," he pointed at the head scarf. "Must come off. I will not have a normal person living with me, no matter how cute they are." Undertaker smiled.

I laughed and then blushed beat red. He just called me cute. "Of course, Undertaker. And the second rule?"

"The second rule is: you must always be yourself without fear or resignation and never care about what others think of you."

"Ok. That sounds doable. I promise, within the walls of your home--"

"Our home." Undertaker corrected me.

"Our home," I amended. "I shall be as strange, unusual, and abnormal as my personality permits, and shall always be myself."

Undertaker stayed quiet, as if considering what I've said. "Good. And if you don't obey these rules, there will be punishment."

I just knew there was an evil glint in his eyes as he said this. I laughed and nodded. I watched as Undertaker picked up the box he had set down earlier before we continued on.

"What is in the box, Undertaker?" I asked curiously.

"More head scarves. These ones are different colors so they will match your other dresses." I paused.

"What....other dresses?" I asked hesitantly. Undertaker just smiled.

We finally arrived at the shop just after dark. I remembered to take off the head scarf and headed up the stairs with the box of scarves in hand. When I came back down I went in search of the kitchen to start cooking dinner. I wouldn't have minded the raw fish. I mean, come on. I'm a cat. It's a fish. I would eat it in any form it came in. But for the sake of Undertakers health, I cooked the fish the way it was meant to be cooked. It took me all of my will power to not devour the fish as it's delicious smell filled the small room.

It didn't take long for Undertaker to find his way to the kitchen, nose stuck to the air as he breathed in the aroma. Fairly soon he was standing over my shoulder as I cooked.

"That smells heavenly, my dear."

"Why thank you, Undertaker. My mother would be pleased to hear it." I smiled over my shoulder at him.

Undertaker walked over to the cold box that kept all of our foods fresh and took something out. The next thing I hear is liquid being poured into some sort of dish and placed on the table. I had just placed the food onto two plates for us when I heard Undertaker say gently:

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty." And he chuckled.

Curious, I turned around to see him standing next to a bowl filled with milk. Milk! He was coaxing me over to the table as if he had a treat in between his fingers. With a smile I transformed into my cat form, my dress falling to the floor, and jumped up onto the counter. Ignoring the milk for a second, I went to Undertakers hand, wanting him to pet my ears like before. When he didn't do it immediately, I nudged his hand a little.

Undertaker chuckled giving in as he said: "Alright, alright."

As he pet my ears and around my face, I purred loudly. Then his hand traveled down my spine, gently scratching as he reached my tail.

Oh, that feels soo good. I purred louder and rolled onto my side. His hand followed and started petting my side and stomach.

Oh yeah, right there! I thought as he pet under my chin. I used my paws to trap his hand in that spot to make sure he didn't move his hand.

However, all too soon, his hand left me laying there feeling dazed and content.

"You are just too cute, my dear Katie Cat. Absolutely adorable." Undertaker was smiling widely now. "Drink your milk, kitty, before it gets too warm to drink."

I attempted to nod my head yes. I'm not too sure how it turned out. I rolled back onto my paws and padded over to the bowl and started drinking. It was perfect! Not too warm, not too cold. I drank until it was all gone.

"Good kitty." Undertaker cooed. He obviously liked it when I was in cat form. He's very playful when I am.

Undertaker grabbed the plates with our dinner and brought them to the table. He set mine in front of me and took a seat at the opposite end of the small table. I stayed in cat form, seeing that Undertaker likes this form. We dug into our meal, and I'm pleased to say it came out very well.

"My dear, you sure can cook." Undertaker said as he finished his meal. I purred in satisfaction.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the back door.

Undertaker went to answer it and I followed.

When the door opened I saw the dark haired boy and his butler from earlier today. What are they doing here?

"Ah, young Earl. What brings you to my humble abode so late tonight?" Undertaker asked.

"There is something I need you to do." The young boy said emotionlessly. Undertaker looked behind the boy. His eyes held some sort of excitement in them.

"I see.... Please, do come in."

"Sebastian, bring them." The butler nodded and went to retrieve something from the cart a few feet from the door. I recognized exactly what they were as soon as they came into view. They were the limp, lifeless bodies of the dead.

I ran out of the room at that instant, grabbing the dress I wore earlier. Once I was out of sight, I transformed again and slipped on the dress, leaving off the corset. In doing that, it just looked like an ordinary, simple gown. It was more comfortable this way too. I must keep that in mind.

Once I was descent, I walked into the back room where the three men and two bodies were. Both bodies were female. And both were such a bloody mess. Literally. There was blood covering almost every inch of the two woman. Upon further inspection, I recognized one of them and gasped. It was the red woman who came into the shop earlier too. Upon hearing me, the three men turned. The boy and his butler eyed me suspiciously where as Undertaker looked at me adoringly.

"Would you like to join us, Kate?" Undertaker offered.

Good Kitty (An Undertaker love story) Watty2014Where stories live. Discover now