Chatpter Six

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The last few days have been somewhat...confusing. Undertaker went back to reaping souls. I remember when they gave him back his Death Scythe. I had never seen someone look so....dangerous. He looked like the classic Grim Reaper: tall, thin form, flowing robes, menacing smile, and a long scythe as tall as him made of bones. As dangerous as he looked, I couldn't help but think he was...very, very attractive. And that's an understatement.

In between reaping souls and burying the dead, he would train me how to fight and teach me how to be a Shinigami. According to Undertaker, I already knew how to fight very well, I just needed to hone my skills. Undertaker also said I was learning at a very rapid pace. I was already well past the first semester teachings, and I haven't started school yet.

One night Undertaker took me with him to a soul reaping, just to see how it's done. The soul he was supposed to reap was that of a little boy who was quite stubborn in his life. His parents died only a few years ago and he turned into a cold, closed off child. Undertaker was having a difficult time trying to convince the boy to go of his own will. He explained to me that the job is easiest when the human soul willingly gives up.

"I don't want to use force with such a young child. I don't want you to see that side of me, dear Kate." Undertaker said.

"Maybe I could try?" I suggested. Undertaker nodded and stepped back.

"Hello, my name is Kate. You're Edward, right?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah. That's me. But like I told your friend there, I ain't dying! Not until I avenge my parents murders!"

My smile turned to a sad one. "I see. Your parents were murdered too."

"What do you mean 'too'?" The boy demanded.

"My parents were murdered when I was young too. They were killed by people who thought the world would be best if we weren't in it. My mom hid me, saving my life, but forfeiting hers. Now they are looking down on me from Heaven. Your parents are there too. They are looking down on you, waiting for the day they can see you again." I said with a smile.

"How do you know they are in Heaven? How do you know they aren't in hell?" The boy demanded.

"They raised you, right? You are such a strong, loving, and devoted son. Any parent who can raise a child like you, lived good lives themselves. There is no other place they should be. Your parents love you. I'm sure they would want to see you again. This is your chance. Yes, you are going to die. But wouldn't you rather die in peace than in anger and rage?"

".....You can guarantee that I will go to Heaven?" The boy asked sadly.

"I have seen your life, child. You have done nothing in your life that would deny you those heavenly gates."

"And I will see my parents again?" Hope had begun to seep into the boys eyes.

"That, my dear boy, is up to you." I said softly.

".....Ok. I'll go. I want to see my parents more than I want to avenge them."

"I understand." I looked at Undertaker and he handed me his Death Scythe. When it touched my hands it shrunk and transformed to an intricately designed long bladed dagger. The boy gulped at the sight.

".....Will it hurt?" He asked quietly.

"Only for a second." I said.

".....Will you stay with me until the end?"

"Yes. I will stay with you until the very end." He took a breath and nodded, telling me he was ready to go.

I moved quickly and stabbed the boy in the heart. I heard him gasp and held him to myself as I gently laid him on his back. I held him until his soul left his body. Until the very end. I felt a tear roll down the side of my cheek as I continued to hold him.

"Katie love, we must go now." Undertaker said gently.

I nodded and placed the boy on the ground. I caressed his cheek before standing. As I stood straight up, I was pulled into a gentle, loving hug. Undertaker....

"You were amazing, Katie love. That was the most beautiful soul passing I have ever seen. You not only guided his soul to Heaven, but you gave him eternal peace." Undertaker spoke gently into my ear.

"Why was he supposed to die? Why was his life ended so early?" I asked as more and more tears left my eyes.

"It would have ended earlier, if not for his mother."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You two had more in common than you realized. He was supposed to die along with his parents. However, his mother hid him, saving his life. Another case of an over due death. It seems humans are dying for each other more and more these days. I remember when humans were selfish beings. They only looked out for themselves. Back then, being a reaper required a lot less paperwork."

I couldn't help but smile. If there was anything I learned about Shinigami's, it was that they were all lazy and hated overtime and paperwork.

Undertaker told me you will always remember your first reaping. He confided in me that he still visits his first souls grave whenever he gets the chance. I thought that was very sentimental of him. It showed a new side to Undertaker that I had yet to see. It warmed my heart, knowing he cared for such things.

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