The #Wattys2014?!?!

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Yes, You read that right. I have entered Good Kitty in the Official Wattys!!!! ok, so voting for this one is a bit different than the KuroWattyAwards. I actually had to look up how it is done. SO, for all of you who would like to see Good Kitty with a pretty gold sticker on the cover, THIS IS HOW YOU VOTE!!!!! (i copy and pasted it, don't hate)

How does voting work?

Vote for your favorite story by sharing it (and resharing it) on Twitter or Facebook. Remember to use the hashtag#Wattys2014. Anyone is free to vote for any Wattpad story, or to nominate their own.

How can I increase my story’s chances of winning?

Edit your story to make it as polished as possible

Tag it with #Wattys2014

Share it with friends on Twitter and Facebook

OK. Now, i'm begging all of you, this is kinda important to me, please vote. This will give me some great reassurence that my writing is good. And as you guys are voting, i'll be updating the sequal, Undertaken Kitty.

This story will also be under some....refinment editing. to correct all of those little spelling mishaps i'm sure all of you have noticed. well, what are you waiting for? get to voting! all of the deadlines are:

Submissions Start: Oct 2014

Submission deadline: Dec 15th 2014

People’s Choice deadline: Nov 15th 2014

Winners Announced: Jan 2015

TTYL my Underlings!!!!!!! I'm excited!!!!

Good Kitty (An Undertaker love story) Watty2014Where stories live. Discover now