Another Author's Note

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I know it's not another chapter. PLEASE don't hate me.

I've decided to go with the sequel idea. So I'll be writing the story a few chapters ahead and have them ready to be updated every week. That way you won't be waiting months on end for an update.

Now, I have a request of you, my lovely Underlings. I would like your input on what the sequel should be called. The one I like the most will be the one I use and the person who came up with the title will have the first chapter dedicated to them. :) So put those thinking caps on and comment your title suggestions!

ALSO.....don't forget to vote for Good Kitty in the KuroWatty Awards 2014! If you vote for my chapters here, please give the whole story your vote of support! I really think we've got a shot at winning this!! :))))

Ttyl my Underlings! The sequel will be out soon! :))

Good Kitty (An Undertaker love story) Watty2014Where stories live. Discover now