Chapter Fourteen

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I awoke the next morning, startled from my sleep by a dream that was now fading away... Something about a man? Familiar amber eyes? The dead coming back?

That was all I remembered. But I got this eerie sense of foreboding in the pit of my stomach.

Before I was fully awake, I heard hushed shouting coming from the sitting room. I could identify one as Undertaker. But who was the other one? I curiously walked to the door to hear better.

"I want him gone, William. This isn't the first time that sleazeball has done something like this. You and I both know it. The only reason why August Blackwell is still teaching is because his victims refused to testify. I refuse to allow Kate to be another one of his victims!!"

"How do we even know she is a target? He may not even be interested in her." William said.

"He already tried to attack her last night." Undertakers voice darkened into an anger I never knew he was capable of.

I imagined Williams eyes narrowing. "What do you mean 'tried to'? Did he stop in the middle of his attack?"

"No." Undertaker said. "It seems Kate is more than she appears. She has another form, other than the small house cat. As it turns out, when her instincts tell her body she is in trouble, her body will automatically transform into a panther."

"Well that seems to be rather convenient in dire times." William stated.

"Yes. However, she cannot control this form. It is like she is a wild beast. She blacks out and the panther runs free. I am lucky it didn't decide to kill me last night."

"So she remembers nothing at all of last night? How do you expect her to testify if she cannot remember?"

"She remembers everything up to the point where she transformed. If she didn't, how do you think I know of what happened? Really William, use your head."

"She is willing to testify against him?" Undertaker didn't respond.

"Have you asked her if she was willing to testify?" William demanded, annoyed.

"He doesn't have to." I said, stepping into the room. "I will testify. However, what I really want to do is rip off his testicles and shove them down his throat and beat him to a bloody pulp." Both men turned to me, Undertaker amused and William disgusted, by my vulgar words.

"Now, now, my dear, that is no way for a lady to talk." Undertaker teased. I just rolled my eyes. "However, I must agree with you. That seems to be a very suitable punishment. One that I would like to deliver." Undertakers eyes gleamed dangerously. The fact that this man was willing to fight for me was rather....attractive. It made my heart soar knowing he cared so much fore me.

"Kate, don't you have class today?" William asked.

"Yes. I should be getting ready in a minute. Since we are talking about testifying and punishment, I take it I didn't kill Mr. Blackwell?" I inquired.

"Actually, we don't know. No one has seen him since yesterday. He were hoping to see if he showed up for class today." Undertaker said. I knew he was hoping the panther ripped him apart. However, I knew he wasn't dead. The first place they would have looked for him would be his classroom. If they didn't find a body or a bloody mess, he was still walking around some where. He was probably just avoiding being seen.

"Kate, I know you were just through a terrible ordeal, but there is something I must ask of you." William said. All of his usual annoyance towards me was gone.

"Sure. What is it?" I asked, hoping it was that I could be the one to deliver his punishment.

"I want you to talk to the other female students. See if there are any others he has attacked. If there are, I want you to convince them to testify. The more victims we have to testify, the stronger the case."

Good Kitty (An Undertaker love story) Watty2014Where stories live. Discover now