Chapter Thirteen

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The next thing I remember, I could smell Undertakers fresh scent enter the area around me. I opened my eyes to see that I was in the dorm room laying on the bed. However, i still didn't have control over my body.

I could hear Undertaker walking around in the sitting area, but pause when he realized I had not come to greet him.

"Katie, love?" Undertaker called. I didn't--couldn't answer. I was still in panther form. "Katie, are you home?" Still no answer.

"Kate, if his is a joke, it's not funny--" Undertaker stopped abruptly when he entered the bedroom and saw me. Well, saw a panther laying on our bed. When his eyes met with the giant cats, his golden green orbs widened in shocked surprise.

"Kate? Is that you?" Undertaker asked slightly amused. My vision rocked up and down. A nod.

"My, what big ears you have." He chuckled.

All the better to hear you with, my dear. I thought. I couldn't help it. It was my favorite story growing up.

"My, what big eyes you have." Was he going to do the whole conversation between Red and the wolf?

All the better to see you with, my dear. I thought again. The big cat yawned, showing her teeth.

"My, what big teeth you have." Undertaker laughed, amusement filling his eyes.

All the better to EAT you with. I thought, quite amused myself. And as soon as I thought that, the big cat jumped off the bed and pounced on Undertaker, making him fall to the floor. I almost had a heart attack when the panthers face got close to Undertakers.

Was she going to eat him?!??

Before my heart could totally disintegrate, I saw that the panthers was only going to lick his face. Repeatedly. Like a dog.

Undertaker cackled loudly and incessantly until the cat allowed me to transform back. It didn't even care that when I did I would still be on top of Undertaker and I would be naked.

Here we go again. Undertaker is going to have a heart attack.

When I transformed back, I was straddling Undertakers hips, our groins perfectly aligned. My hands rested on his chest and I was sitting straight up. When I had the courage to meet Undertakers eyes, he was smiling, his eyes never faltering away from my face.

"There's my good, sweet Katie Cat. I almost didn't recognize you with all of that fur."

"How did you recognize me?" I asked curiously.

"I recognized your eyes." Undertaker said simply. Before I could protest, saying that wasn't possible, they were a different color, he continued. "They were the exact blue that flecks your eyes right now. Not many people notice the second color, but I spend a great deal of time just looking in your eyes, my dear. I could recognize you in any form, as long as I could see your eyes."

I smiled softly at his words. He was just so....perfect.

Undertaker helped me stand up, his gaze never leaving my face. I didn't understand this. He was a man, right? Why did he not try to look at my body? Was I not attractive enough in that way for him? Did he only like me for my personality? Would he never want me in that way?

He must have seen the questions in my eyes because he smiled softly and said: "You are physically attractive to me, my dear. The only reason I don't look at you when you transform from one being to the other, is because I am waiting for you to invite me to see you. I will not look at you against your will. Men who do that should have their souls reaped slowly and painfully. A woman's body is a sacred thing, and should never be defiled against her will."

Good Kitty (An Undertaker love story) Watty2014Where stories live. Discover now