Chapter Seventeen (*Cough cough* "Romantic scene")

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It is now winter break and school will be closed for the next two weeks. Undertaker decided to spend his vacation at his shop. And not wanting to be parted from him for longer than a day, I decided to tag along, much to Undertakers satisfaction.

The shop was exactly as we left it. Although it was more dusty and had cobwebs here and there. Nothing had changed.

"Home, sweet home." I said smiling. I felt familiar arms wrap around waist and pull me back against the chest of my beloved.

"I love hearing those words coming from you. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside." Undertaker murmured in my ear.

"Me too. But...being in such a big kinda makes me want...more." I whispered as my face flushed, finally voicing the thoughts that had constantly been plaguing my mind for a few months now.

Undertaker slightly stiffened behind me at my words. "What, exactly, do you mean by 'more'." There was a slight shakiness to his voice. Did he not like the idea of 'more'? I didn't want to freak him out about it so I shrugged, pretending like I didn't know.

"I don't know. But what I do know is, I never want to leave your side. I want to be here, in your arms, forever."

Undertakers arms tightened around me. "I want the same thing. And....more." Undertaker whispered the last part. What?

I turned in his arms and stared at him in surprise. Undertaker was looking at me lovingly with a small smile gracing his lips. His eyes blazed with want and need. The bright, neon green color of his eyes glowed in the dimly lit room. The way he looked at me did funny things to my stomach. It was like my stomach was sinking and trying to fly away at the same time. My heart started racing and my breathing quickened.

Undertaker's mouth moved closer to mine, his arms tightening around me, pulling me even closer to him. My heart raced in anticipation, begging for him to just kiss me already. And when he did, he kissed me with such a loving gentleness, my knees could no longer hold me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck, trapping him there. It was the sweetest, most intimate kiss we have ever shared. It sent shivers of pleasure down my spine and pulled a low moan from my lips. Undertakers arms tightened even more around me, as if he was trying to make our bodies one.

I don't remember moving, but the next thing I know, my back was against the wall and Undertaker was pressing his body against mine.

He gently placed one hand behind my head while the other trailed up and down my back. I felt a strange, tingling sensation in the area below my stomach. It was odd felt good. And suddenly, I wanted to feel Undertakers skin pressing against mine.

I let my hands trail down his chest and to the bottom of his shirt. Without hesitation I pulled his shirt over his head, causing us to break apart, and discarded it on the floor. Undertaker wasted no time as he crashed his lips back to mine. My hands went back to his now bare chest and trailed over every inch of exposed skin. This caused Undertaker to moan into my lips.

Undertakers hands were now gripping my waist, playing with the red sash of my fighting uniform until he untied it with one simple movement of his wrist. Because the pants of my uniform were made to fit anyone of any size and the sash was the only thing keeping them on my body, my pants gently fell to the floor. It left me pressed against the wall in nothing but my shirt, which was slightly opened, exposing my stomach and the tiny crevice between my breasts. It was a good thing I decided to wear a matching black lace bra and underwear set today. But Undertaker doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would care. He would probably think mismatching was cute.

I felt Undertakers arm snake under shirt, skin on skin, and slowly wrap around my waist. This caused my to moan once more. I have never had anyone touch the bare skin on my back. It sent shivers throughout my body.

Good Kitty (An Undertaker love story) Watty2014Where stories live. Discover now