Chapter Eight

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I was sleeping peacefully in my bed, all warm and comfortable. I wasn't too sure if I was warm because of the blankets, or because of the handsome reaper that was laying in bed next to me. I shifted my back to be closer to this man, closer to his warmth and the safety of his arms. I heard a deep, throaty chuckle somewhere above my head.

So my reaper was awake. I tried to hide my smile. But then I felt a pair of lips press against the side of my neck. I moaned at the feeling.

"Wake up, my love. It's time to get ready for school." His words whispered in my ear. They were making it impossible to fall back to sleep. This man knew what he was doing.

I felt him cup the side of my face and turn it towards him. I felt his lips press against mine, and I gave up on sleep. But before I could kiss him back, Undertaker pulled away from me. Away from my lips. And away from the bed. I suddenly felt cold. Yes, it was Undertaker who was keeping me warm. The blankets had nothing to do with it.

I opened my eyes and tried to find Undertaker. When I did, my face flushed. I had forgotten he slept only in his night pants, leaving his whole upper body exposed. He looked....marvelous. He looked...dreamy. He looked.....yummy. Yes. That was the word to describe him. Undertaker was yummy.

He had fine, pale skin. It wasn't sickly pale. It just looked like he didn't get enough sun. His body was perfectly sculpted. It was muscular and deliciously slim shaped. His pants hung off his hips in a sexy, teasing sort of way. I could clearly see the indentions of the 'V' his hips made disappearing beneath the waistband of his pants.

Just then a thought passed through my mind wondering if I would ever get to see the bottom half of that 'V'.

I shook my head to clear the thought away. But it was too late, my face was already scarlet red.

Now they say cats are supposed to be lucky. But in my life, I've seen the opposite happen. Just like now. I was still gazing at Undertakers exposed upper body, my face flushed, and my eyes looking all dreamy, when he turned around and caught my stare. My face flushed even more, if that were even possible, and I averted my eyes.

I heard Undertaker chuckle. "Do you like what you see, my dear?"

Embarrassed, I couldn't meet his eyes. So I just nodded. He chuckled again.

"So do I." He said in a sexy way.

That made me look at him in confusion. I wasn't wearing anything provocative. I wasn't half naked or in any suggestive pose. I was in a long sleeved night shirt, night pants, and I was pretty sure I had a horrid case of bed head. I was probably the opposite of sexy. Undertaker sighed and sat beside me.

"You're beautiful, Kate. You don't have to dress provocatively for me to see that. Even when you've just woken up, you are the embodiment of beauty. Don't ever think otherwise." I nodded, indicating that I understood.

I went to get ready for my second day of school. I haven't decided what kind of clothes I would want to wear when I became a Shinigami. It would have to be something that was light and easy to move and fight in, but doesn't make me look like a man and doesn't show too much skin. Until I find the right kind of clothes, I'm stuck wearing dresses and corsets.

I had Undertaker help me with the dress and corset. I still haven't gotten used to them. And I don't think I ever will. Dresses just aren't me.

I grabbed my school book and headed to the door.

"Have a good day at school, my dear. Try to learn something." Undertaker chuckled.

"That's kind of hard to do when you already taught me the whole first semester lessons." I laughed and walked out the door.

I made it to class with a few minutes to spare so I sat in my desk daydreaming about Undertaker. Not for the first time, I wondered what his real name was. That was when I noticed what the black board said.

'Shinigami: The Legendary Reaper'

Is this lesson going to be about Undertaker?

The late bell rang and Mr. Blackwell entered the room.

"Alright class. Today's lesson is on the Legendary Reaper. As many of you know, his statue stands in the Soul Library. Can anyone tell me why? Kate?"

I couldn't answer. I didn't know why. Undertaker never talked about his time as a Shinigami. In fact...he's never talked about himself at all.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Blackwell. I don't know the answer." I admitted.

"You mean to tell me, you lived with this man and you don't even know why he's famous?"

"Yes. That is exactly what I'm telling you. He hasn't told me anything, and I'm not one to pry into someone's life. Especially when it's a part of his life I know he doesn't like." I said.

"Oh yeah? If he didn't like being a Shinigami, then why did he come back from retirement?" The kid Johnathan asked.

"Because that was the deal he made with William T. Spears in order to remove my name off the To-Die list and grant me admission to this academy."

"And why in hell would he do all of that for such a pathetic being like you? What makes you so special?" Johnathan demanded.

"You're really stupid if you can't sense the power of her soul, Johnathan." I heard a girl speak up.


"If you stopped being mean to her for a minute you might have noticed she has one of the strongest souls in this school. She will be a very powerful Shinigami. Almost as powerful as The Legend himself. And since the demons are practically ruling earth realm right now, we need all the strong souls we can get. So stop being a jerk to her, and worry about your own fate. Because if you couldn't even sense her souls power this early in the stage, I'd worry if you even had any power at all." The girl Maya said.

I looked at her in surprise. No one had ever stuck up for me like that. They always feared the bullies would turn on them too. Maya caught my stare and smiled reassuringly at me. I smiled my thanks in return. I have a feeling we will be great friends.

"Returning to the lesson. The Legendary Reaper, known today as Undertaker, became a legend after he reaped and judged more souls than anyone from his graduating class by more than a million. He judged Robin Hood and Marie Antoinette. Crying children would willingly give their souls to him..."

The lesson drowned on and on. I listened, soaking up all the information I could. Hoping, waiting for Mr. Blackwell to speak Undertakers true name. However, to my disappointment, he never did.

All too soon, class was over, as was the lesson. Mr. Blackwell stayed behind today to prepare for tomorrow's lesson. I walked up to the desk and quietly cleared my throat.

"Yes, Miss Griffiths, what can I help you with?" Mr. Blackwell asked somewhat bored.

"I-I was wondering if you c-could t-tell me Undertakers real name?" I stuttered. Why was it so hard to ask that question?

"Why do you want to know it?" Mr. Blackwell asked.

"Because I feel like I don't know anything about him. Even after today's lesson, there is just so much I don't know. And I was hoping knowing his true name would open the door to his true self."

"He introduced himself to you as Undertaker, did he not?" Mr. Blackwell clarified. I nodded my head. "Then that was the person he wanted you to know. The person he is now. Not the one he was before. If you truly wish to know his true name, I suggest you ask him. The worst that could happen is he won't tell you. I can tell you care for him deeply. And he for you. However, use caution when you open that door to his past. You might not like what you find."

I nodded my thanks to him and left the room. Just like yesterday, Undertaker was waiting for me. He smiled when he saw me, his eyes lighting up like Paris at night. He walked over to me but paused when I didn't return his smile. I was happy to see him. But why wasn't I smiling? Undertaker looked over my head and into the classroom. His eyes narrowed at whatever it was he was looking at. His eyes shifted to me and I saw a deep sadness in them. Undertaker went to caress me cheek, but stopped before he could touch me.

Instead he said: "Come with me." He grabbed my hand and dragged me along behind him.

Good Kitty (An Undertaker love story) Watty2014Where stories live. Discover now