Chapter Nine

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We walked for several minutes, leaving the main campus building and the dormitories behind. We came up to a very large, very tall building. It was pure white and had a strange white aura around it. The whole building felt peaceful.

Once inside, Undertaker lead me up several flights of stairs and into a long hall. The first thing I noticed was the twenty foot statue of a familiar looking Grim Reaper.

Undertaker set me down at the base of the statue, not really caring of it was considered rude or disrespectful.

"So, Kate." Undertaker said, a nervous smile spreading across his lips. "How was school?"

I thought about how my day was. I learned about someone I've known for a while, from someone I've just met, about things I never knew because said person that I've known for a while didn't tell me. Why didn't he tell me anything about him? What was he trying to hide? Was it his whole past? Or just one thing in his past?

"School was.....interesting." I said slowly.

Undertakers smile faltered. "Did you learn anything?"

"Yes." I didn't say anything more than that.

"...Would you mind telling me what you learned?" Undertaker asked.

"I don't know. Is it something that I'm not supposed to know?" I demanded. I don't know why I'm being difficult right now. It doesn't make sense. Not even to me. And I'm the one having the emotions! Men are right. Women are difficult creatures to understand.

Undertaker sighed. "I'm not trying to keep my past from you, Kate. It's just...I'm not proud of who I was. The Shinigami see me as some sort of hero. But all I did was ruthlessly follow orders and did my job. I did things I'm not proud of. I've hurt people. People I care about." Undertaker touched the necklace that hung from his neck. His precious treasures he once called them. I felt my heart constrict, a pain I didn't understand.

"I didn't like taking lives. I didn't like killing people. Especially the young. I still remember the names of every child's soul I reaped. Their names and faces haunted me over the years. To the point where it almost drove me madly insane. But then...I found a little black cat freezing in the rain and with her, I found my sanity. You saved me from a fate worse than death. Kate, my past no longer haunts me, because I can now look forward to the future. And I hope...I pray that you would want to be apart of it."

My heart swelled at his words. I saved him that day? I gave this poor man back his sanity? He wanted a future with me in it? Why were these words...filling my soul with warmth? Why is it that every time I see this man, every time I look into his eyes, I feel happy and at peace? Why is it that every time I am with this man, I feel like I'm right where I belong? Unless.....

I chuckled at the suddenly clear answer. "Here I am...falling in love with you, and I don't even know your real name." I murmured to myself.

"Is that what this is all about? My name?" Undertaker asked, amused. My face flushed when I realized he heard what I said. But...did he hear the first part? "Katie love, if you wanted to know my name, you could have just asked me instead of making me worry that I had done something wrong."


"Yes, my love, really." Undertaker smiled as he caressed my face.

"Ok then, what is your real name?" I asked eagerly.

"Now, now, I require payment first." Undertaker chuckled evilly.

"But you said all I had to do was ask!"

"Do you want to know my name or don't you?"

I huffed in annoyance. "Fine. Name your price."

Undertaker smiled. "Repeat what you said before."

Good Kitty (An Undertaker love story) Watty2014Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang