Chapter Twelve

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Undertaker and I had almost finished his To-Die list for the day. There was just one more name left, a man by the name of Fred Abberline. He was to die after saving the life of a young boy. Undertaker and I followed him around and waited for him to expire.

In the time we followed him, we saw Sebastian and his young lord get arrested by Scotland Yard. I was surprised the bossy little brat allowed it to happen. He seemed like the type of person who liked to be in control of the board and his pawns.

After what seemed like an eternity, the boy and his butler made their move, and Abberline followed. Even after the kid told him he would only get himself killed. However, if he was going to listen to the kid, Undertaker and I wouldn't be here right now.

Abberline followed the boy and his demon butler to a boat. The demon was instantly engaged in battle by a very petite foreign looking woman in less than appropriate attire. I was surprised to see the young girl could hold her own against the demon.

The young boy was running on the deck, being attacked by the foreign man I saw in Undertakers shop long ago, back when Jack The Ripper was still killing. The boy had fallen and the foreign man was about to strike him down. I saw Abberline move.

Here we go.

In the blink of an eye Fed Abberline was in between the boy and the foreign man, a sword impaling his body. His blood dripped to the wood below his feet. He only has minutes now. Undertaker and I watched, from a safe distance, as his Cinematic Record spilled from his wound. We watched as his life replayed before us. The last image Undertaker and I saw was that of a young woman who's belly was largely swollen with pregnancy.

My heart ached for the soon to be mother. She was to raise her child all by herself. I could only imagine what that must feel like.

Since we had to avoid being seen by anyone, Undertaker allowed me to reap his soul. I transformed my ring into a sickle and chain. Moving quicker than any human eye could see, I threw the sickle at the black mist that was leaving Abberline's body and cut through it, collecting his soul. I pulled on the chain and caught the sickle as it returned. I willed my Death Scythe to return to its original form, and released Abberline's soul to the heavens.

With one last look at the man's now lifeless body, Undertaker and I returned to the academy.

"I will meet you at the dorm, my love. I must fill out the paperwork for all of those poor souls."

"Do you need me to help?" I asked hopefully. I didn't like being away from him. I always felt like something bad was going to happen once he left my side.

Undertaker smile softly at me. "No, my dear. You go on. I will be there shortly. I still have to make dinner, remember?"

I laughed. "Alright, if you insist."

We parted ways. I entered the academy through the front doors. Normally I would take the outside path to the dorms. But it was dark out and you never know what kind of creeps there are at the academy. Though the way is longer, I felt going through a very well lit school seemed much safer.

I didn't know how wrong I was....

I was passing my classroom when I heard someone call my name. I turned to see Mr. Blackwell standing at the classroom door. Curious, I walked over to him. What could he want at this time of the night?

"Yes, Mr. Blackwell, did you need something?"

"Yes. I needed to talk to you about your progress today. Won't you take a seat and we can discuss it?"

"Do we have to do this now? It is rather late. And I have been awfully busy today. Perhaps tomorrow we could--"

"It has to be now." Mr. Blackwell cut me off sharply. "I would have asked you right after today's lesson, but you ran off with that reaper."

Not knowing what just set him off, and not wanting to do it again, I foolishly agreed.

I stepped into the...dark classroom? Why were the lights off? I heard the door close behind me. I didn't like this one bit...

"Umm....Mr. Blackwell, do you think we could maybe...turn on the lights?"

"No." Was all he said. I could hear his footsteps as he approached me from behind. I froze when I felt him move my hair to one side. I held my breath when I felt his warm breath close to my neck. I tried to step away from him.

"So, Mr. Blackwell, about my progress today...?" I said, hoping he would stop whatever it was he was trying to do.

"Always so eager to get down to business. That's what I like about you, Kate. You are my brightest, most accomplished student." I could tell he was smiling. I could clearly hear it in his voice.

"Thank you, Mr. Blackwell. I'm glad to hear I am excelling in your class." I said trying to sound unfazed by his actions.

"Yes. However, if you wish to continue to excel in my class, I require in exchange." I felt a hand creep around waist as another ran down the inside of my leg. I jumped away from him, furious.

"Are you trying to blackmail me into sleeping with you, Mr. Blackwell?" I demanded.

"So blunt and to the point. Yes, that is exactly what I'm doing." Suddenly he is in front of me, pinning my back against the wall, his hands on either side of my head, trapping me where I stood. He pressed his body against mine, and I felt something press into my stomach.

"If you know what's good for you, Kate, you will not refuse me. I can keep you from becoming a Shinigami. I can make sure you fail. Accept my offer, and things will continue on as they are. I can guarantee you become a Shinigami. I am the only thing that stands in the way of your success or failure." He leaned into me very closely, like he was going to kiss me. I pressed myself tighter against the wall, trying to get away.

"It would be wise if you accepted." Mr. Blackwell murmured.

"It would be wise if you stepped back." I hissed back, my tail swishing back and forth in agitation. I could feel my eyes glowing a neon blue, the color they turned just before I transformed into my other cat form. The form I could not willingly change to. It was my automatic defense mechanism. My body did it when my feline instincts said I was in deep shit.

"I would like to see you make me." The cocky son of a bitch said with that disgusting smile. He moved one hand to the side of my face while the other moved south to grope my ass. I growled in annoyance and slowly began to transform. My teeth elongated and my nails grew long and sharp. The hand that was on my face moved south as well, but stopped at my left breast. That's when I let go.

I gave into my bodies need to protect me and transformed into a large, majestic black panther. I was only conscious long enough for me to see Mr. Blackwell fall backward in surprise, fear clear on his face. And then the darkness descended and I could remember no more. The beautifully fierce cat was now in control of my body.

A/N: Ok, I'm not sure everyone realized this, but when the Panther starts to emerge, Kate's thoughts and the writing style change to a more...primal, vicious, fierce, and less....lady like style. So you can always tell if Kate is going to change into the Panther if you see similar writing style to the above. I just didn't want people thinking I got lazy and just went all Ghetto with my writing and that there was a reason for it. I'm probably just stating the obvious. But hey, it never really hurt anyone right? :P

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