Chapter Sixteen

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The trial of August Blackwell was a very quick one. The judge only asked to speak to three of the twenty two victims who had given their testimonies to the Shinigami Police Force. August Blackwell was beyond furious when he saw his wife was helping the prosecutor in his trial. So much so that he tried to attack her like he did with most of his victims. The Shinigami Judicial Council had him restrained in a device that tied his arms to his back and chained his legs to the floor.

With all of the evidence piled up against him, the Council found him guilty of sexual assault to the second degree. Since he was a Shinigami and is able to summon his Death Scythe at will, the Council saw that as sexual assault while displaying a dangerous weapon. That, and he used or threatened to use force that would create a substantial risk of death to either his victims or someone close to them.

His sentence was 1,000 years in a special holding cell in Hell where his caretakers will review his crimes and punish him as they see fit. In other words, they were sending him to hell to be tortured for 1,000 years and his torturers will decide how, exactly, it will be done. If you ask me, that is kind of sick. I almost felt bad for him.

But then I remembered what he did to Maya. How he used her brother to manipulate her into doing what he wanted. My blood began to boil and I remember thinking his sentence wasn't severe enough.

School continued as it did before. Until they could find a new teacher, William appointed Undertaker as our substitute until further notice. Undertaker wasn't very happy about that. While he did get to spend more time with me, he had to cut his quality time with me by half so he could teach the other students.

I was some what surprised when he came into the class on his first day wearing rectangular glasses that hid his eyes behind their glare and a very spiffy looking suit with a black over coat. He looked so different compared to his usual self. More...dangerous., if that was even possible.

I never knew Undertaker wore glasses. It didn't seem like not wearing them hindered his eye sight any. So I didn't understand why he wore them. Just like I didn't understand why it seemed all Shinigami wore glasses. I didn't notice it until Undertaker started wearing his.

It wasn't until later that day that I learned not all Shinigami actually need glasses. It's just part of their uniform. And it is forbidden for a Shinigami to remove their glasses, unless they wanted to be classified as a deserter.

I still didn't understand. Why would Undertaker start wearing glasses now when he didn't start wearing them after he came back from retirement? When I asked him, Undertaker frowned.

"William said if I was to teach these academy students, I had to set an example and wear the proper uniform. In all honesty, I'd rather not wear these pesky things. They are annoying and constantly keep falling down my face. They just get in the way." Undertaker complained.

"Would I have to wear glasses too?" I asked.

"Most likely. Unless you get in Williams good side and he says you don't."

"But what about you? I thought you were forever on Williams good side because you are the Legendary Grim Reaper. Why is he making you wear glasses?"

"Probably to punish me."

"Punish you for what?" Undertaker did not respond to this.

Physical training class was, at first, fun and exciting. However, now, it's fairly boring. I'm the top of my class. Again. I'm the best fighter. However, I'm not the only one with a Death Scythe anymore. Undertaker had me help him with the class by teaching battle techniques or helping them find their inner soul power. Most of the class has achieved their Death Scythe, except for Maya's brother, Johnathan.

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