↠Chapter Eleven↞

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"And then his voice cracks halfway up to this high note during the performance." Jimin says, barely containing his laughter.

"HYUNG!" Jungkook says from across the table and half lunges for his neck. 

"Oh, hush. You know it happened." Jimin retorts and Jungkook flushes bright red.

I laugh at the two and try to imagine a small Jungkook singing a solo at a school choir performance. I've never heard him sing but I'm sure he can.

"So ___, what about you? Any embarrassing stories to share?" Seokjin asks and everyone turns to look at me.

"Uhhh..." I trail off and avert my eyes. I do. They just don't need to know about it.

"Awww! I'm sure you have some." Taehyung says and he bares his puppy eyes. Must resist, must resist.

"Lay off it! She obviously doesn't want to tell. Giver her some space." Jungkook jumps in to save me and I feel grateful but I turn even more embarrassed.

They back off and we continue chatting about random things. I learn that they all met in school and became the posse everyone wanted to join, but no one was allowed. Namjoon mentions that they've practically raised Jungkook since he moved here when he was really young from far away. My heart went out to young Jungkook moving to a new place. I see that everyone was especially close and it was a family of sorts. Seokjin was the mom while Namjoon was the dad. Yoongi and Hoseok were the older brothers while Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook were the younger ones. It's obvious that Jungkook was the baby though since he's the maknae.

Jungkook constantly looks at me, as if he's checking up to make sure I'm okay. I can take care of myself but I appreciate the thought. After all the food is gone, everyone crowds on too Jungkook's small couch to watch a movie. Taehyung and Seokjin sit on the ground while Yoongi and Jimin sit on the right side. Jungkook and I are pressed up against each other next to Namjoon who was sandwiched in the center. 

Somehow I get dragged into watching a horror movie and I put on a brave face. I tense up at the scary parts and I think Jungkook notices because he slings his arm around my shoulders. But I am constantly laughing at Jimin's and Hoseok's screams. They're more of cowards then I am.

When the movie ends everyone prepares to leave. I shrug on my jacket and grab my bag with Jungkook following me around. The other guys look at him with knowing eyes and I brush it off as some kind of weird inside-guy joke. With a final wave, I exit Jungkook's warm apartment building into the cool early evening.

A smile is practically glued on too my face and that happy bubble brews warmly in my belly. I'm really glad that I got to meet Jungkook's friends. They are amazing people who genuinely care about Jungkook and that's all that I care about. I turn the corner and make my way down the street with the school on it. Suddenly, an icy liquid floods my veins. The familiar feeling of being followed causes warning signals to flash in my head. Hoping that it's only one of the guys playing some prank, I turn on too a random street and speed up my pace. 

The feeling doesn't leave and I try to act like nothing's wrong. Straining my ears for any noises, I pick up soft footsteps also walking briskly behind me to the right. Trying to figure something out in my head, I decide to just confront the person. Stopping, I turn around quickly, feeling angry. It's rude to follow people around.

Expecting some pervert, creep I'm surprised to see a girl around my age. Her dark hair billowed in the breeze and she was out of breath. She seemed normal, except for the following people around apart.

"What do you want?" I ask annoyed.

"Stay away from him..." She says quietly and I barely pick up her words.

"What? Who?" I am seriously confused and she was actually playing on my nerves.

"Stay away from him." She says louder. "He's mine. You can't have him." It comes out almost childishly and I scoff.

"I don't know who you're talking about so leave me alone." I walk past her and she stiffens.

"Just stay away from him." I hear and my blood boils.

Short, short chapter. My hands are cold and I'm tired.

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