↠Chapter Thirteen↞

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Mijin and I walk down the path leading to the studio when some random girl runs past us, pushing us apart. The girl doesn't even stop and continues going while we help ourselves back up.

"Rude." I huff and we continue on the path. 

Mijin keeps telling me about how she confronted Jungkook for Yoongi-oppa's Kakao and I laugh at her nervousness. 

"Jungkook would've understood. You didn't have to be so awkwardly vague." I tell her and she sighs.

"I know, but it's embarrassing and..." She stops all of a sudden and I look up in confusion. 

I follow her line of sight and see Yoongi at the doorway, on his phone. She clutches my hand and squeezes really hard, trying to find some assurance. I pulse back and try to relax her with mental encouragements that she can't even hear. Drawing in a deep breath, her muscles relax. Suddenly, she's half dragging me towards the door and rushes past Yoongi, through the door. When we get to the studio, Mijin stops.

"That was so scary ___." She states in a monotonous way, making me chuckle.

"You definitely have a crush on him." I reply and she smiles softly.

"So this is what it's like to like someone." She breathes and we prepare for today's class. 

When the clock says that it has been five minutes after when class was supposed to start, I get nominated to go look for Jungkook. Rolling my eyes, I walk down the hallway towards his office. I'm about to knock when I hear quiet, rushed words. After some debate, I decide to eavesdrop and press my ear close to the door.

"And then she just ran past me with ___ in tow! Like, I was about to give you my Kakao ID and you just act rude." I hear an exasperated Yoongi. Hmm, he sure seems angry.

"I told you already, she's a skittish person and is really socially awkward." I hear Jungkook reply. "Now, leave me alone, I'm already late to my class." After hearing that, I take a few steps away from the door and act like I just got there when Jungkook opens the door.

"Oh, ___! I'll be there in a few. I just have to shake a clingy hyung first." He says smiling and I nod.

I keep my ears open but I can only hear a few whispered words before Jungkook runs to catch up to me.

"Sorry about that ___! Yoongi-hyung had some girl problems..." He says sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck.

"With Mijin?" I ask and he laughs nervously.

"Yeah." He answers and we enter into the studio room.

Half-way through us working in partners, Mijin's steps falter. Frowning since Mijin had already mastered the move. She finishes her portion and quickly runs to her bag. I look at the door and see Yoongi just standing there, watching. Oh, that's why. 

The class ends and Yoongi hasn't left. No one else thought it odd which I thought was odd. Jungkook ends the class and Mijin goes to rush out of the room but Jungkook takes her aside.

I walk over to Yoongi who had a small pout on his lips.

"Hello oppa." I say.

"Hey..." He says half-heartedly while staring at Mijin talking to Jungkook.

"Yah, pay attention to me." He turns to look at me, amused. "I mean, you've only looked at Mijin this whole time." I playfully pout and he grins.

"Fine, what do you want?" He asks.

"Do you like Mijin?" I ask outright, feeling brave. His eyes widen in surprise before he resets his face into a scowl.

"No. She was rude to me." He says, almost like it's rehearsed.

"You're lying Yoongi, and you know it." I say before walking over to Mijin and Jungkook who were passionately whispering to each other.

I take her arm and pull her away. When she realizes what I was trying to do, she starts to struggle lightly. We reach my destination and she stiffens. Her head drops low and gets really quiet. 

"Now, apologize and be friends." I say sternly to her before walking back over to Jungkook and dragging him out of the room.

Jungkook's POV

After grabbing our things and leaving Mijin with Yoongi, we start walking home.

"You know, Mijin likes Yoongi and Yoongi probably likes her too, well at least interested." She says. "I mean, they should at least be friends right? But no, they have to be shy or stubborn." She lets out a frustrated sigh before turning to me. 

She's about to say something else but she suddenly stops and turns her head.

"Can you leave us alone? I can practically feel your glare cutting me." She yells into the empty street and I'm about to crack a crazy joke until I see that someone was actually following us. 

A girl steps out out from behind a building corner; her eyes set in a firm glare. Something about her is vaguely familiar but I have no idea who she was. The girl was about to say something but ___ cuts her off.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, stay away from him. I remember from last time." She says and I realize that they've probably met before.

"Wait you know her?" I ask ___ and she nods.

"Yeah, she followed me home that day when I went over to yours. She said to stay away from someone, but I'm guessing she means you." She replies never letting her eyes leave the mysterious girl.

"What?! You don't remember me? But, but Jungkook-oppa..." Her voice fades away into a sob. She collapses to her knees. "How could this be? There is no way. You love me. And I love you. You're mine. I've been so devoted to you. You liar!" Her voice escalating into a screech as she yells into the concrete.

Her tears and screaming freeze me in my place. My initial thought was that she was crazy and needed help, I didn't even know her for godsakes.

I see ___ move to see if the girl was okay but something with the weight of a freight train hits me in my chest. Stopping ___ from going any closer, I feel myself grow angry.

"___, stand back. If things get bad, run and get an officer." I say softly to her and her confidently set chin relaxes. 

"Fine, but I'm trusting you on this." She moves back and the girl raises her head slightly the moment ___ steps back.

"Ina, I am not Yoongi. He was the one who left you, not me. He was the one who had to get out for this exact reason. Now I want you to snap out of it and wake up from whatever false reality you've been living in." I say angrily at her and I know that I sounded mean but that's the only way she'll ever listen.

She starts to laugh softly before she starts to laugh creepily.

"I don't know what you're talking about Jungkook-oppa, there is no false reality. There is only you and I in this world." She says looking me in the eye.

Before I realize it, ___ moves from behind me and walks straight up to her. Kneeling to her level, I assume that ___ was going to talk but what she does next surprises me. 

___ slaps her. Right on the cheek and the loud crack causes me to jump.

"He's not yours, never was. You stay away from him okay? Ina." ___ spits in Ina's face and the look on Ina's face is priceless. "Let's go Jungkook."

Heh heh, that was awful... Gonna re-write some but I just wanted to get this up.

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