↠Chapter One↞

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"So, have you guys thought about what I asked?" I say tentatively, testing the waters.

"Oh hush it ___, no one cares about whatever you asked them." My little brother grumbles over his bowl of soup and I smack him on the back of his head, my confidence dropping.

"Well I care. Besides, if I didn't then I wouldn't have of opened my mouth." I grumble into my own bowl of soup.

Upon deciding to finally follow my dreams of being a dancer, I begged my parents to allow me to join my school's dance class. Like, got on my knees and grovelled at their feet. I've always been able to dance, even without formal training, and always wanted to make something of it. But of course having hard-headed Asian parents, I haven't been given permission to circle that course on my course selection form yet.

"Your mother and I have considered your proposal." my father says. "We think that joining an extracurricular activity would be good for your college applications and have decided to let you have your way." He says firmly.

Grinning, I do a victory dance in my head. Feeling the burden of asking my parents for something lifts from my shoulders and I happily finish my dinner.

~Time Skip~

I walk into the dimly lit practice room and my mouth falls open. The spacious room reflected my shocked appearance on three of the four sides. Looking around, I notice that there weren't any windows and only lights illuminate the room. I set down my bag in the corner and start to stretch. I was completely alone in the silent room since I had decided on a whim to come and check out the studio. And to also escape the pressure of my parents for an hour or so

It's been awhile since I've tried dancing. The last time I did, it was at a school dance and it mainly consisted of bopping to the songs being played. I recover from being in a lunge stretch and take out my speakers. Scrolling through my extensive playlist, I randomly choose a song. The rhythmic music thrummed my body and I start to sway to the beat.

Jungkook's POV

I follow the quiet music down the hall from my office to the studio, frowning. I'm pretty sure I shut everything off when I finished. Approaching the cracked open door, I hear what song it was and my frown deepens. This isn't even on my playlist. Reaching forward to push open the door and telling whoever it was to go home, I freeze, catching sight of who was inside rendered me utterly speechless.

A girl with a curtain of glossy hair stood with her back to the door, deep in thought. After staring at her reflection for another second, she reached down and replayed the song from the beginning. I watched enraptured as she started to dance gracefully to the pop song. I have to admit, her lines were beautiful and very alluring. She finished what I assumed was an original choreography and stared at herself in the mirror, out of breath.

Looking over her shoulder in the mirror, she finally noticed that someone was standing in the doorway. Her eyes widen and she spins around. Bowing deeply, she apologizes in earnest about intruding and I find it amusing. Somewhere in her fast spout she mentions that she was going to be in my dance class starting two days from now and I smile to myself. Her rambling stops and she stares for a second before apologizing once again.

I tell her to go home and she hurriedly picks up her stuff before scurrying away.

What an interesting student.

It's so short... I'm sorry!

Update: (6/10/17) This has been proofread! One down, 29 more chapters to go.

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