↠Chapter Seven↞

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I sulkily trudge behind Mijin at the mall, looking at all the shop windows sadly. After Jungkook ignored my message on Kakao, I had initially felt angry as he promised to add me as a friend, but my anger quickly turned depressed as it meant that he didn't want to talk to me. I pout at the thought and mentally pick myself up. Refusing to let him ruin my day with Mijin, I put him on the back burner.

Mijin and I go into almost every store, staring at all the clothes and laughing at each other's performances in the changing rooms. After almost getting thrown out or Forever 21 for laughing so loudly, we walk towards the food court to eat lunch. But just as we turn a bend, I spot a familiar black hoodie and work boots. Pausing suddenly, Mijin looks back at me in confusion.

"What's wrong? Why'd you stop walking all of a sudden?" She asks.

"Oh, it's nothing. I thought I just saw someone I know." I hesitantly reply. Technically it wasn't a lie since I did know him, she just didn't have to know that she knew him too.

We continue on to find a place to sit and eat. Purging all thoughts of him out of my head, I continue on with my day. But of course, the universe refuses to let me be at peace. I kept spotting him, everywhere. He seemed to be alone and bored but I refused to go over to talk to him. If he didn't want to talk to me, I'm not going to go out of my way to talk to him. 

Just when Mijin and I are about to leave, a scary thought shoots through my mind.

"Oh no! I lost my phone." I frantically say to Mijin and she looks at me panicked. Patting all of my pockets, my anxiety builds.

"Where could you have of lost it? Should we go back to all of the stores we've been in?" She suggests and I nod.

We quickly run through the path we took that afternoon and I grow more and more scared. Its my phone for godsakes! Making our way toward the food court, I catch sight of Jungkook from across the floor. In his hand was my phone! It wasn't hard to catch sight of since it had a huge bright purple case on it. I sigh in relief as it's in the hands of someone I know and trust. But my relief is replaced with a hot concoction of anger, jealousy, anxiety, and fear. 

Jungkook was talking to a group of three girls about his age. They were all pretty in their own ways and seemed to be flirting with him. He didn't reject them or push them away like I was expecting but rather he was just chatting with them. 

Mijin also spots Jungkook and sees that he has my phone. 

"Look, Jungkook-sunbae has your phone, lets go over an-" Her words cut off when she notices who he was talking too. "Oh."

Mijin knew about my crush on our dance professor and knew that what she saw was hurting me. 

"I can go get it if you want..." She says softly and takes my hand.

"No, it's okay. I'll go get it." I say almost angrily and she lets go.

Jungkook's POV

Entering the mall, I look around. I was honestly so confused with what I was doing. After practice the other day, I overheard what ___and Mijin were talking about. Somehow, I ended up coming here too. Angry at myself for being a creepy stalker and curious about what they were doing, I go looking for them. But I get distracted by a window of flannels that I had to get, not matter what. Sigh. Bad idea coming here.

After doing some of my own shopping, I spot ___ and Mijin in the food court chatting like they didn't have a care in the world. I've never seen Mijin talk so much but I'm glad that she's coming out of her shell around ___. Shaking myself out of my staring, I notice that they are about to leave. But what catches my eye is that ___ doesn't pick up her phone when she leaves. Thinking that she'll come back for it, I wait a little bit longer just in case.

When I determine that she actually forgot her phone, I walk over and pick it up. Shaking my head at her forgetfulness, I begin walking in the direction that the pair went in. I spot them walking into a shop and go to follow when I'm stopped by someone.

"Hey, I'm Young Il! You seem a little lost, you can hang out with my friends and I if you want."(A/N Sorry for the format change, I didn't want it to sound like a male name.) She says perkily and steps into my personal space. Behind her are two more girls and they all seem like the same age as me. 

You see, I can deal with girls younger than me, but girls who are the same age as me cause me to get flustered. I start to turn nervous.

"N-no. It's okay. I know w-where I'm going." I stutter and try to walk past them but they won't let me past. "I r-really have to get somewhere." I say almost angrily and they pout at me.

"Aw, we promise it'll be fun." One of them says and I heave a sigh. They leave me no choice. I'm about to make a break for it when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around and relief floods me when I see who it is. But her eyes had an underlying anger to them that told me to stay out of her way.

"Hey, leave him alone. He belongs to me, got it!" She says sharply before dragging me away from the girls. 

When we're a safe distance away from them, she let's go and turns around. I go to laugh but her eyes tell me to zip it.

"So, can I have my phone back?" She breathes out while holding her hand out in front of her.

Heh heh! I took a small break for four days cuz of snow days and laziness.

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