↠Chapter Ten↞

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Jungkook's POV

"Thanks hyung! See you later!" I hang up and smile at the sky.

I had somehow convinced my hyungs to come over and hang out with me again, all of them. Of course, they didn't know that I'll also be inviting a girl, the one who stumbled her way into my life. Holding my hot cup of coffee, I make my way back home. For some odd reason, I really wanted my hyungs to like ___. Or else they'll probably do something stupid to scare her away. Also, I already mentioned to her that I wanted her meet them.

I turn the corner onto the familiar street and suddenly a shiver runs down my spine. The hair at the nape of my neck stand on end and a feeling of being followed rushes through me. I whip my head around, expecting to see some random person using the same route as me but no one is there. I try to shake the feeling of being followed off but it doesn't leave. Honestly feeling unsafe, I rush home.

Locking my front door behind me, I walk over to my couch. Plopping down, I rub my face then ruffle my hair. I am actually going crazy, I swore that there was no one behind me.

Your POV

I stare at my phone and try to process what I just read. Jungkook wants me to meet his friends? If they're anything like him... I probably won't be able to survive. I scroll all the way to the top of the chat and read my whole conversation with Jungkook and a happy bubble brews in the depths of my belly.

Hello hello my queen *insert english accent*


Hi oppa

I was wondering if u were free Friday after school?


I should be, y?

My friends r coming over, u wanna come?


uhhhhh, maybe?

Aw plsssssssss :(


Not the sad face!!!



ok ok, I'll go

YAAAAYYYY! I will see u in class then my queen!

I plop back onto my bed and stare at my ceiling where I stuck tiny glow-in-the-dark stars when I was a kid. The happy bubble continued to brew and I never wanted it to pop.  Someone knocks on my door and I sigh. Reality had literally come knocking on my door. I get up and go to answer who it was.

Time Skip to Friday after school...

The final bell has already rung and students milled around talking and chatting with their friends. I look at myself in the girl's bathroom mirror. No matter what I did, my hair seemed flat and boring, my face plain and bare. Sighing, I walk out of the bathroom. 

Opening the main doors, a rush of fresh air hits me and I bask in it while exiting the building. I look around and see Mijin rushing over to me with a flustered expression. Thinking there's something wrong, I meet her halfway and she starts rambling at lightning speed. I've never heard her speak so fast and so much since I've met her and I stop her.

"Whoa whoa! Calm down! Take a deep breath and speak slower, you know at a normal speed." I say and she takes a deep breath.

"Okay okay okay okay. So-so-so I was-as in the studio prac-practicing, you know since ou-our choreography is difficult. I'm about to leave then I hea-hear voices coming from the office so I think that Jungkook-nim is still there. I de-decide to bid him farewell but I didn't know that someone else was there. So I walk in and there's this guy there. And let me tell you! He was so pretty and handsome and good-looking and I froze there. Jungkook-nim said something but I just stood there staring then I ran out." After her long, long rant, she caught her breath looked me in the eye. "What do I do? Is this what's called a 'crush' because I don't think I'll ever be able to look him in the eye ever again after that episode."

I look at her bewildered by her words. She seemed to be genuinely upset so I told her exactly what I would've done.

"I think you should go back to apologize to both of them. Mainly because you interrupted their conversation and you also blatantly stared at someone, it's rude. Now get back there and say sorry." I tell her and a look of disbelief and despair wash over her features like a wave. But a look of determination appears too and her resolves hardens.

"Okay, I'll do it." She says and I push her towards the studio building.

I swear, that girl.

I reluctantly make my way over to Jungkook's house and try not to overthink the situation. A ton of "what-ifs" go through my mind and I keep telling myself to be rational. It's not like they were going to insult me and hate on me just for being there. Before I know it, I'm standing in front of Jungkook's door and I can hear a bunch boisterous voices coming through the door. 

I take a deep breath and knock. The moment I knock, a silence ensues behind the door and my nervousness increases. Get it together woman! They are humans just like you! Keep it together, I know you're better than this. After a moment, the door opens and a red-faced Jungkook opens the door with that silly smile on his face. 

"Oh, hey ___! You finally made it. I thought you ditched or something." He says jokingly and all of my nervousness disappears.

"As if! Ditching is for the weak and I am anything but weak." I retort and he laughs.

"Whatever you say." He says while opening the door wider to let me in.

I enter and see a group of guys sitting around Jungkook's coffee table eating chicken. Stopping dead in my tracks I understand why Mijin was so flustered. I scan the people in the room and feel the blood rush to my face. They all smile at me warmly and I smile shyly back.

"What're you standing around for? Join us before all the foods gone!" One of the says before patting the seat next him. 

Can y'all guess who Kookie's friends are? Heh heh...

Excuse the horrible writing, I didn't feel like editing and I also wasn't in the best moods when writing this.

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