↠Chapter Nineteen↞

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"So what do you wanna do today?" Jungkook asks, on his phone.

"Well it's Saturday so I have nothing planned or anything. What do you wanna do?" I shrug while doing the morning dishes. "But I kinda don't want to leave the house..." I say.

"Aw, but I wanted to show off my beautiful girlfriend." He pouts and I laugh lightly.

"If you showed me off, you'd get in trouble." I say back and dry off my hands.

He pouts before his face lights up.

"How about I call up my hyungs and we can all hang out at Yoongi's? You can invite Mijin too." He says excitedly.

"Oh, good idea! I'll go call her up now." I rush for my phone and call Mijin quickly.

When everyone agrees with our plan, Jungkook and I fall back onto my couch exhausted. Why do we have to have so many friends?  We both laugh triumphantly. 

"Mijin didn't ask where Yoongi's house is. You know what that means?" I ask, teasing my friend.

"Yep, she's already been. I swear, they need to be a couple before they both turn 60 years old." Jungkook jokes back and I giggle.

"No kidding." I say back.

When we finally decide that it was a good time to leave, Jungkook bikes to his place so he can change. It was funny how he struggled to make it as comfortable for me as possible but failing in the end so we both walked. We enter his house joking with each and he leaves me to change. 

I look at all of his pictures and knick knacks that he's left around. There are a lot of him and what seems to be his parents, but one in particular stands out to me. It was a smiling, teenage Jungkook wearing his school uniform, surrounded by younger versions of his hyungs. Jin wasn't in the photo so I'm assuming he was the one taking the picture. After studying the photo for another moment, I put it back in it's original place.

I turn around and almost jump out of my skin when I realize that Jungkook was behind me, watching.

"Yah, you scared me Jungkook!" I whine, trying to calm my pounding heart. 

"Sorry, I was struck speechless while staring at you." He says flirtily and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah yeah lover boy. C'mon or Yoongi's going to have a fit about us being late." I say, internally basking in his compliment.

He only chuckles before walking us both out of his apartment. When we reach the main road, he hails a taxi saying that Yoongi lived a decent distance away. One stops in front of us and he opens the door for me.

"You have a good boyfriend there, I wouldn't want to lose him if I were you." The driver says while giving me a kind smile. I return his smile and Jungkook gets in.

hehehehehehe, short chapter cuz my brain can't really think straight.

This was supposed to be a date chapter but I was like, nah.

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