↠Chapter Four↞

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When I get home, I run past my surprised parents and up the stairs to my room. I shut the door and lock it just in case my little brother decides to be in an annoying mood. After making sure the coast is clear, I flop onto my bed and squeal into my pillow. How? What? When? WHY?!? I calm down and squeeze the soft pillow into my chest as I recount what just happened at the studio.

After he had joked about college math being hard, he invited me to go over to his apartment after classes tomorrow to do math homework. HIS APARTMENT!?! I mean, he's way out of my league and my teacher on top of that. AND, he might not even be interested in me. For all I know he just really sucks at math and actually needs the help. My mind embraces the thought, while my poor innocent heart rejects it with all its life.

I want to be able to find comfort in the fact that he doesn't hold feelings for me. But I also want to feel the euphoria that I felt when he stopped me from leaving. I only talked to him for about half an hour but I've found out that he's quite funny and sarcastic. Also he's playful and not serious at all like his teaching persona. 

Sighing, I get out my bed and change out of my sweaty clothes and into clean sweats. I make my way downstairs and walk into the kitchen. I pass my little brother who was rushing through his homework. Patting his head, I look at what he was working on. I find nothing of interest and continue on to help my mom with dinner.

Jungkook's POV

I walk up to my apartment building scolding myself. You just HAD to invite her over. What's she going to think of you? You might've even scared her away! Pabo... The key clicks into place and I walk into my apartment. I drop my bag onto the couch and flop down right next it. I close my eyes for a second but she keeps popping up behind my eyelids. Giving up on trying to relax, I make my way to the kitchen to eat something. 

I survey my apartment and realize how dirty it was. A scenario where she looks at the room in disgust plays through my mind and I cringe. Forgetting the food  I was about to make, I start cleaning. She's coming over tomorrow anyways. No need for her to think of me as a slob. 

I catch myself tidying up my bed. Why are you even doing this? It's not like you're trying to impress her or anything. Who cares if the apartment's a little messy when she comes over? I stop what I'm doing and go back to the kitchen shaking my head. After making and eating some food, I continue cleaning. I'm doing this because I DO want to impress here and I care about what she'll think when she sees this place in a mess. I tell my innerself and go grab the vacuum.

After three hours of vacuuming and wiping, my apartment was clean. I don't think I've ever seen this place so neat before. Feeling proud of all the work I've done, I flop back down onto my couch. Finally, I feel the bubble of excitement that I've been compressing rise to the surface. A smile creeps onto my face and I think about her. I think this officially means I like her, right? I cleaned my whole apartment for her.

I laugh at myself and get up again. Heading towards my bedroom, I mentally prepare myself for tomorrow. I'll scare her away if she knew though. Besides, she might not even like me.

Too fast? Probably. Do I care? No.

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