↠Chapter Twenty Five↞

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Update: rewritten/majorly editted

I'm not even sure how I'm going to write this next part...

"___, we raised you better than this!" My dad shouts and I flinch. "You do realize what your mother and I have to do right?!" He says, almost delirious. I nod my head with tears in my eyes and I'm trying oh so desperately to keep them in. 

"Break it off with this boy, or else." My mom orders, sneering the word "boy". The thought of ever leaving Jungkook breaks the dam and my tears spill out. 

I drop my head, refusing to let them see my state of weakness.

"I want you to hand in your resignation papers to your dance instructor tomorrow morning." My dad demands. "I should've never agreed to let you join."

My tearful sadness is replaced with anger as my father's words register through my emotion ridden mind. He's making me quit something that has become my life. They haven't even seen me dance or how far I've come. All of my pent up tension and exasperation towards my parents bubble over and I snap.

"You know what?! No! I'm not going to roll over and obey you this time!" I break out in rage and my parents look at me in shock. "All these years, I've done what you've asked and more. I've made you happy! I may as have of been a dog obeying its master." I fiercely wipe away the warm tears from my face and take a deep breath. "But these past three weeks, I've been happy. Dancing makes me happy. He makes me happy." I end off in a rush and my parents only look at me with shocked expressions. "In a way you've never let me feel, ever!"

After a moment of silence, I turn around and storm upstairs to my room. I sloppily lock the door with blurry eyes and collapse onto my bed. I sob into my bed sheets and just let all of my anger out. Memories of my parents shaming me and blaming me for things that were their fault. Memories of feeling unloved, neglected, and used flash before my eyes and they spur on more tears. 

When my cries die down, I lay on my bed utterly exhausted. I softly sniffle and reach for my phone. Quickly finding his contact, I press on the call button. 

"___! I was just going to call you!" Jungkook's voice drills through the miserable haze that was surrounding my mind.

"Oppa..." I say dejectedly.

"What's wrong?!" He asks, worried from the tone of my voice.

"Oppa-" My voices breaks into a sob and the tears start spilling again.

"___, hey hey. Please don't cry, you know how much I hate it when you cry." His panicked voice barely registering in my overwhelmed brain. 

I continue to cry long sobs with Jungkook saying sweet nothings through the phone. Soon enough, my cries die down again and my spent body drifts into a fitful sleep.

Time Skip to next day...

A number of bongos play in my head, pulling me from my slumber. I grab my pounding head and breath deeply through my nose, trying relieve the pain. When the loud drums dull down, I open my eyes. It was still considerably dark in my room and based off of the clock on my wall, it was five in the morning. 

I lift my head and the phone that was glued to my face falls from gravity. The events from last night replay in my head and a twinge of pain, guilt, and anger pulls at my chest. No, stop it. I tell myself and the pain subsides. Finding my phone dead, I plug it in and the moment it gets enough power, I'm swarmed with messages from Jungkook. 

kookie_oppa: ___?

kookie_oppa: are you okay??!!

kookie_oppa: please respond

kookie_oppa: I think ur phone died

kookie_oppa: i'm praying that u're ok

kookie_oppa: i'm assuming its your parents?

kookie_oppa: probably...

kookie_oppa: I'm sorry for making u do that

kookie_oppa: :(

kookie_oppa: :(

kookie_oppa: :(

kookie_oppa: :(

kookie_oppa: :(

kookie_oppa: :(

kookie_oppa: :(

kookie_oppa: :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

kookie_oppa: please respond ___!

kookie_oppa: I'm so worried

kookie_oppa: this probably isn't a good time but i have good news

kookie_oppa: i won the competition

kookie_oppa: first place baby!

kookie_oppa: i was going to tell u when u called but u know

kookie_oppa: but that doesn't matter right now

kookie_oppa: please please please please respond

kookie_oppa: i'm dying from worry

kookie_oppa: please...
Sent 10:29 PM 

I quickly type out a reply, explaining the whole situation to him. 

danzingqueen: i'm so sorry for leaving you hanging, i fell asleep after crying

danzingqueen: congratulations on winning your comp!!!!! it made me feel better

danzingqueen: i'll see u on campus today
Sent 5:02 AM

I don't know how to fight with my parents....is that bad? I am definitely rewriting this later...

Sorry for the short, short chapter but I kinda wanted to keep the second part as a separate chapter...

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