↠Chapter Twenty↞

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We arrive at Yoongi's and I can only stare. Jungkook walks over and closes my mouth before laughing softly.

"Yeah, he lives here." He says before lightly pulling me forward.

Shaking out of my dumb trance, I follow Jungkook up the front porch stairs. Yoongi is definitely loaded...

Jungkook knocks and we hear a muffled 'coming' before the door unlocks. Yoongi gives us a bored look before motioning for us to get inside. The inside was even more spectacular than the outside and I have to close my gaping mouth again. 

Yoongi leads us into a plush living room where Mijin and Jimin already sat, talking. The dark, wood floor was covered in a deep, red rug that sank under your feet and I basked in it's comfiness. Yoongi is really loaded... I run between Jimin and Mijin and laugh when they jump apart startled.

"Mijin!" I say and give her hug which she returns. 

"Hey ___! At least you're on time, unlike the others. Who I haven't even met before by the way." Mijin grumbles, trying to hide her nervousness about meeting new people.

"They aren't going to bite you. Well Tae hyung might but it won't be hard." Jimin giggles before flopping back onto the couch and snuggling into the pillows. "I swear, my kids are going to be the death of me." He sighs out and Mijin's eyes widen with mine.

"What?!" We say at the same time and Jimin looks up at us confused.

"OOH, no no no, I don't have kids. I meant the class I teach." He says and laughs at our shocked faces.

"Well that's a relief." Mijin huffs.

"Yeah...Wait, you also teach?" I ask him before picking up a pillow and hugging it tightly.

"I also teach a dance class but it's mainly contemporary dance and ballet instead of hip-hop like Jungkook. But don't listen to Kookie, because he was the one who copied me." Jimin pouts softly before shooting a teasing glare at Jungkook's back. 

"I heard that hyung!" Jungkook says while turning his neck around.

"You were meant to hear it you brat." Jimin retorts quickly before they both break out into laughs.

"Yeah whatever." Jungkook says, ending their meaningless bickering.

Mijin and I watch on with smiles when the doorbell suddenly rings and I jump up.

"I GOT IT!" I shout and run to the door. 

I open it and smile at whoever was there. I hear a small laugh and feel a light pat on the head.

"Jin-oppa!" I shout before pulling him into a quick hug and leading him to the living room.

"Hey! I thought I was oppa." Jungkook whines and pulls me into a hug.

"You are, but Jin is too. And since he's older it just makes sense." I say into his chest and he hums.

"Did you just call me old?!" Jin yelps exasperated. "Well excuse me! I am not old! Do you see this handsome face?!" 

"Whatever you say Jin." I giggle and everyone laughs.

Slowly, one by one, the whole crew arrives. Mijin gets passed around, much like I was, and is examined by each member before being deemed adorable. She smiles nervously in front of each one but they all make her feel welcome. Yoongi is never far from Mijin's side and always glares at whoever goes a little too far. Jungkook and I role our eyes at each other after surveying the two. 

The food that we ordered arrives and it takes everyone two trips to get all the food inside. I hear Jin apologizing to the poor delivery boy while paying him at the door. When Jin comes back, everyone enjoys the pizza, chicken, and ramen set before them. Yet again, the amount of food that all seven guys can consume scares me and I can tell that Mijin was also slightly disturbed. We both could just barely finish half of our portions, much to the guy's delight.


Jin and Hoseok are in the kitchen washing the dishes since they lost at rock-paper-scissors while everyone moves to the family room where a huge flat-screen TV stood. Taehyung and Jimin begin to argue over what video game to play and Namjoon kind of just stands to the side trying to break the two up. Mijin and I watch as Jungkook walks over, thinking that he would break the two up. But instead, he gets pulled into the argument too. Yoongi appears behind is with a loud sigh.

"Guys! Hey! We're watching a movie if you don't shut up!" He yells and the three guys stop bickering. They turn to look at the Yoongi with annoyed eyes. "There, now it's quiet." 

"Oppa, why don't we just watch a movie. I really want to watch that new movie that just came out." Mijin suggests quietly and the three stooges shoot Mijin a horrified look before looking at Yoongi. Of course, being wrapped around Mijin's little finger, he nods enthusiastically. 

"Yeah, we'll watch a movie." He says and the three guys groan. Grumbling, they flop onto the couch. 

I sit down between Jungkook and Taehyung and wrap my arms around Jungkook. He smiles before making it so we were both comfortable on the couch. Mijin picks the movie out and presses play just as Jin and Hoseok walk in.

"Perfect, come join us!" I say happily and they chuckle before sitting down.

Jungkook's POV

Half-way through the movie, ___'s asleep next to me. She did sleep really late last night. I motion to Hoseok to hand me a blanket at which he spots ___ sleeping. He smiles and hands me one, careful to not startle a sleeping Taehyung. I pull the soft blanket over her warm body and she snuggles deeper into my side. Hoseok coos at her actions and I shoot him a playful glare.

When I know that ___'s situated, I look around the room. It felt so serene to have my hyungs and girlfriend all together. I loved the feeling of warmth and playfulness while also an unconditional love. Smiling at the thought, I turn my attention back to the movie.

Here's a long-ish chapter to make up for a short chapter and late update...heh heh.

There was a ton of shipping going on here and I'm too lazy to go back and find them.

Also I realized that Mijin is Jimin just scrambled half-way through the chapter.

This was very filler chapter with nothing exciting, just a lot of fluffiness.

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