↠Chapter Twelve↞

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I collapse on the ground panting. Curse Jungkook's stupid choreographies! Mijin is hunched over at the waist breathing hard too and she reaches a hand out. I take it and we both laugh weakly. After two full weeks of learning choreographies, we finally got all of them down. Now, it's all about perfecting the movements. The studio is empty besides Jungkook who agreed to help us do extra practice after the lesson ended. I glance over at the clock and groan.

"I have to go guys. My mom's going to kill me, pray for my safe return tomorrow." They laugh and I grab my stuff before leaving.

Mijin's POV 

After the door closes behind ___'s back, I turn towards Jungkook-nim who inadvertently also turned to look at me at the same time.

"Can I ask you something?" We almost say at the same time and both of our eyes widen in surprise. After staring at each other for a decent amount of time, we both burst out laughing. 

"You go first." He offers and my initial question pops up in my mind, causing me to blush.

"Uhh, so, uh, I, uhm, may need help, uhh, with a guy friend of mine." I cringe at my stuttered out request and I cringe farther when I realize that I've told a lie. He technically isn't even my friend.

"Sure! Do I know him?" He asks back nonchalantly and I blush even farther.

"Kind of..." I trail off and he gives me a dubious look.

"That doesn't make sense Mijin. You gonna need to be more specific." He says before walking over to gather his stuff. I do the same for my things and take a deep breath.

"Okay, I may have a crush on your friend Yoongi and I can't stop thinking about him but I've never even talked to him before and I need you to somehow get us in touch because I really want to meet him for real." I say all in one breath and when it's all over, I suck in a deep breath before looking down at the ground. My confession has left Jungkook speechless and his face causes me to giggle.

"Wow, I've never heard you say so much before." He says and breathes out a laugh before looking me in the eye. "Okay, I'll mention you to him and I'll give you his Kakao ID. But you can't contact him unless I say it's okay. Yoongi had a pretty rough relationship in the past and isn't the most sociable. But I'll see what I can do." He suggests and I grin before giving my earnest thanks.

"Now, you also had something to ask me?" I say, feeling a lot better after my tirade. Now it was his turn to flush. His ears turn pink and if I didn't know that ___liked him already, I would've thought him cute.

"Uh yeah. You see, I started liking ___ shortly after we met and I told myself that I would keep it a secret. But recently, they started getting stronger and it's become harder to resist telling her. What should I do? I mean. I'm afraid that if I tell her out right, I'll scare her away. But if I go slow, I might get friend zoned. You're her best friend, what do you think I should do?" He asks pleadingly and I try to get over my initial shock. Jungkook-nim like ___ back? 

"I'm first putting out there that I'm not an expert on relationships as you've probably seen. But my advice would be to woo her a little before just telling her. ___ isn't exactly a soft-hearted person so you won't scare her away. You might even get lucky." I reply honestly and he contemplates my answer with the most serious expression I've ever seen him have.

"I think you're right. I can't underestimate ___, she deserves more than that. Okay, thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind." He smiles and slings his bag over his shoulder.

"No, thank you! I wouldn't even have of learned Yoongi's name without your help." I say awkwardly and we exit the building before parting ways. 

Jungkook's POV

"Hyuuuuuuung! You have to help me!" I whine and Yoongi turns to look at me annoyed.

"How am I supposed to help you? It's your girl not mine, and I've only met her once." He replies with a light glare.

"All Mijin said was to 'woo' her and didn't go into specifics." I say and he breathes an angry sigh.

"Look, girls like flowers and small sweet things like the occasional gift. I suggest getting her a flower." He says and I ponder on the idea. But would ___ like flowers? She doesn't seem like the kind of girl. But she is a girl so that has to count for something. 

"Oh, that reminds me. You remember that girl who barged into my office the other day?" I bring up, trying to act nonchalant. You owe me Mijin.

"Uh yeah, the nerdy, shy one who just stared at me then ran away before coming back to apologize." He recounts and I can tell that he already doesn't have a good image of her. But he's Yoongi-hyung so I'm never sure with him.

"Well, she may have of had asked me about you. And she may have of mentioned that she wanted you're Kakao ID." I say, trying to be vague but failing miserably. Yoongi looks at me and he's trying to hold back laughter.

"You know you can just be outright with me right? So she wants my Kakao?" He looks down at his phone before looking back up at me thoughtfully. "Hmm okay. But I'll give it her myself." He says before standing up and leaving the small cafe we were occupying.

I look at his back as he crosses the street before disappearing around the bend. My initial shock leached way and my curiosity took the front seat. How the heck is he supposed to do that.

Got some Jungkook and Mijin action with some Minkook as well. Sorry for not including you more but I needed to get some background plot going you know?

The Dance Professor || Jungkook X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora