↠Chapter Six↞

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Two weeks later...

I walk into dance class and run over to Mijin where we typically put our bags. 

"Mijin, Mijin!!! Do you want to go to the mall this weekend? I hear going with friends is fun!!" I say excitedly and she smiles at me fondly.

"I'm not sure ___, I'll have to ask my parents first." She says and I jump up and down.

"Yay!!" I exclaim and she looks at me amused. We hear clapping and turn to see Jungkook-oppa gathering all the students.

Ever since that day in his apartment, we have become really close, though we don't act like it during class. I've learned that besides dancing, he can also sing and do cool tricks like walking on his hands; which by the way he adamantly forced me to watch him do. He is also extremely sweet and caring, as well as mischievous and sly. He can make me laugh with just a look, and he can make me flustered with that same look.

We both walk over to join the other students and by his smile I can tell that today's class is going to be interesting.

"Students! Starting today, we will be learning a series of choreographies, that I've choreographed, to be performed at this year's spring showcase." He walks over to the stereo. "Our first choreo will be to this song, I want you to listen closely and try to get a sense of the feeling it portrays." He clicks play and a heavy bass line thrums throughout the studio. I feel it shake my insides and close my eyes. 

No one speaks and before we know it, the song ends. I have a feeling that I've heard the song before, it was a very hip-hop song and the rap lyrics were really well written. Racking my head for any memory connected to the song, I come up with nothing.

"That, everybody, was 'No More Dream' by BTS. (A/N Heh heh, I had too.) We will start with this song as it's the most difficult to learn." He says before walking through the crowd of students and to the front of the studio. "So let's start shall we?"

Everybody is breathing heavily and some are even laying on the ground. I'm really out of breath and bend over with my hands on my hips, drawing each breath in slowly. Even Jungkook is tired. He wasn't kidding when he said "difficult". I look over and see Mijin completely exhausted and lying on the ground. I walk over and offer a hand to help her up. She smiles at me in thanks/

"See" breathe "I told you guys" breathe "it was hard." Jungkook-oppa says and everyone chuckles weakly. "You guys can go stretch and cool down, class dismissed." He says finally before picking up his water bottle and taking a long swig. I watch the way he adam's apple bobbed and how his neck was covered in sweat. Blushing, I look away and turn my attentions to Mijin who was hurriedly texting on her phone.'

"So, we down for Saturday afternoon?" I ask her and she looks up.

"Yeah, my mom says I can go!" Mijin says happily and we both laugh before stretching quickly.

Mijin leaves first and I stay behind, as always, to wait for Jungkook-oppa. He picks up his things and turns around smiling his adorable bunny smile. I feel my own smile making an appearance and I try to hide it.

"So what're you planning to do tonight?" He asks as we exit the studio.

"Hmm, let me see. Shower, since your choreo was hard; homework, dinner, and then sleep." I reply snarkily and he only laughs.

"Sounds boring. I'll probably shower and then call up some friends to play video games with." I scrunch my nose up at the thought of video games. But what he said reminded of something that I wanted to ask him.

"Hey, do you have Kakao by any chance? I've been meaning to ask but I always forget." I ask quickly and try to control my blush as I practically asked for his number, in a very round-about way.

"Yeah, sure. My username is nochu_kookie." He says and I quickly add him on my cellphone.

"Thanks! Make sure to add me as a friend." I say sternly. He laughs at my seriousness and nods his head. "Good."

Jungkook's POV

I CAN NOT BELIEVE I GAVE ___ MY KAKAO!!! I have a spasm attack and fling my body around my bed awkwardly. After realizing what I was doing, I stop and sit up. Get yourself together man! It's not anything special, people exchange Kakao IDs everyday! I tell myself but no matter what I say, that bubble of excitement rises again and I move around in excitement. I'm going crazy, I swear.

Getting off my bed, I decide to call some of my friends over like I told ___ I was going to do. They'll distract me. I'll even order pizza and chicken. I grab my phone and make three calls before making another two for food orders. Looking around, I give up on tidying the place as I'm sure they wouldn't mind. 

Pacing my apartment pathetically, I wait for my friends to come over. When I'm about to die of boredom, my phone dings. I swear if one of them cancels... I pick up my phone and almost drop it again when I see that it was a Kakao message from an unknown contact. ___. Just after I pick up the courage to open the message and alerting her that I was online, the doorbell rings and I put the phone back down to go get the door.

The bell rings again and I sigh in annoyance. 

"Open up! It's cold out here!" A voice whines through the door and I laugh at who it was.

"Yoongi-hyung!!!" I open the door let him in. 

"Sure took you long enough, you know I hate the cold." He mumbles and I just shake my head at my whiny hyung.

"The others are on the way along with chicken and pizza." I tell him and he nods before spreading out on the couch. 

I walk around, getting plates and cups ready for the food while Yoongi plays on his phone. So typical for the others to be late.

"Jungkook-ah, are you still teaching that dance class at the high school?" Yoongi all of a sudden asks and I look over at him confused.

"Yeah, why?"I reply while walking over to the couch. I nudge him to move over and he doesn't budge.

"Nothing." He says and I shove him over so I can sit down.

Just when I get Yoongi to let me sit, the bell rings again and he looks at me victoriously. Sighing, I pick myself up to go answer the door.

Kakao is the Korean kik practically but it uses your phone number.

Also, a SugaKookie moment for y'all.

I'm a day late but that's cuz this chapter was hella long to write up.

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