Chapter 32

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I groaned as Eimi, akura ou, Yatori and me walked up the steps to mikage's shrine, I needed Aina "VEGGIE!" I screamed as I made it to the top seeing her there leaning on a broom half asleep. She jumped up and acted like she was just cleaning "oh it's just you Amane... GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK NEXT TIME!" Aina screamed at me "loves ya too" I smiled at her "so... HOLY SHITS!" Aina yelled in my ear as she seen akura ou. I nodded and waved my hand in my face "yeah yeah yeah... Aina akura ou, akura ou Aina... Ok since we're done introducing people to people I need your help!" I said with panic in my voice. Aina quickly looked at me with worry "Amane are you ok what's wrong? What happened? Why are you panicking?" Aina questioned freaking out throwing the broom to the side grabbing my shoulders.

I took in a deep breath and released it leaning on Aina "were in trouble with Ookuninushi and war God" I said, Aina widen her eyes. She sighed and hugged me "because you got akura ou's body back?" She asked, I nodded "yeah that exactly why" I said moving from Aina. Soon Nanami and Tomoe came out but stopped in the tracks seeing Akura ou there "Tomoe" Nanami said looking worried. I looked at them "he isn't a threat to any of us ok I promise" I said, Tomoe nodded knowing what had really happened back long ago and how Akura ou had changed because of me, but I know Nanami wasn't going to be convinced. Not until Tomoe told her anyway.

Tomoe nodded to me and I gave him a look to tell Nanami I was telling the truth and Akura ou wasn't gonna hurt us or anyone as long as I was here with him. And of course he done as I looked at him "Nanami Amane is telling the truth, Akura ou had changed when she came here long ago. I would know he even stopped with his stupid games-" "that was mean" Akura ou and Aina said at the same time. Tomoe rolled his eyes "anyway, but they were given a chance for nothing to happen to Akura ou if he proved he could change and like the humans. Which he did, however, the gods still hurt him and sent Amane back to her world and time" "awww that's so sad" Nanami said looking like she was about to cry. I nodded "I know" I sighed "and since I got Akura ou back, they are mad and we are in trouble" I said making Nanami widen her eyes.

Me and Aina looked at her "ok so what's our plan?" I asked crossing my arms "you aren't gonna get a plan little girl" "ITS HE/SHE GUY!" Me, Aina, and Nanami yelled seeing Otohiko on a cloud. He looked mad "WHO YOU CALLING HE/SHE GUY BRATS?!" He yelled glaring at us. I laughed "well can you blame me... Anyway what do you mean by what you just said?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him "he means that the gods already know where we are and are planning to come here now" Akura ou said walking besides me. I looked up at him "how-" he grabbed my face and turned it towards the sky seeing ookuninushi and war God coming, oh shit. I widen my eyes "dang it" Aina and I said "what do we do?" I asked looking back at Akura ou "face the music" he laughed, I sighed "what?" Aina asked "he's quoting me" I said, she nodded "ohhhh" we all stood there as they were now in front of us.

I smiled at Ookuninushi "so I see you got Akura ou back" ookuninushi said looking between me and Akura ou, war God wasn't impressed by the looks of it. I growled "well we wouldn't have this problem if... YOU DIDN'T DO WHAT YOU DID!!!!" I screamed ready to jump at ookuninushi but Akura ou held me back. Ookuninushi sighed "it was-" "oh don't give me the "it was for the best" speech crap!" I yelled glaring at him "you knew full well how Akura ou had changed yet you did that to us!" I said calming down a little. Aina nodded in agreement "dude I hate to butt in right now, but she has a point, I mean you didn't do anything to Tomoe all these years" Aina said looking at Ookuninushi.

Ookuninushi nodded, but the war God seemed a bit irritated "you can't be considering what she is saying is true?!" War God asked looking at him. Ookuninushi sighed "you have a point there Aina but Tomoe became a familiar and the last time I checked Amane isn't a god or anything to make Akura ou a familiar and contain him" Ookuninushi said looking at Aina. She sighed "but she already had him controlled by the start" she argued, Aina you should be a lawyer. Ookuninushi looked at her "yes but if he goes on a rampage Amane has no control over it" me and Aina looked at him like he grown five hundred heads "a word to bind the familiar" Eimi said walking besides her brother Ookuninushi. We nodded "oh ok well... I have nothing" Aina said, me and Akura ou face palmed "there goes the whole bing a lawyer thing" I sighed, Akura ou nodded "yup" he said as we looked up at them.

Eimi looked at me with a smile which confused me a little "big brother, Amane can become a god or something if one of the gods or goddesses gives up their place and hands their mark over to the person they seem fit correct?" Eimi smiled. Point Eimi and me! I smiled widely "yes but what god or goddess would give their place up beside mikage?" Ookuninushi looked at Eimi. He widen his eyes "Eimi don't you dare" Eimi laughed "well big brother I'm sorry but I've been doing this for years. It's boring and I'd like to see things like a human does, so Amane" Eimi looked at me. I stared at her with shock "I'm Eimi, I told you I was the goddess of life right?" I nodded "I'm more then one goddess I'm the goddess of death and love as well" I widen my eyes.

Eimi laughed and nodded "and Amane I'm giving those titles to you, from now onwards you will be the goddess of love, life, and death, rather you're the joker in the cards you have more then one role" eimie smiled. She walked up to me and kissed my forehead "you are now a goddess" Eimi laughed looking at her brothers, aka Ookuninushi's, face. Aina cheered "now all ya gotta do is bind Akura ou" Aina gave him the evil look "hah get a chance to kiss her" Nanami and Tomoe laughed. Akura ou rolled his eyes "don't use that word of binding thing all the time got it woman?" I laughed "yes sir" I smiled kissing him. Aina and Nanami cheered, Tomoe laughed at the remark and everyone just sighed in defeat except for Eimi.

We pulled away and Aina hugged me "my best friend is a goddess!" She laughed "yup" I said "I guess we'll leave now considering you can now control him" Ookuninushi said looking at the war God. He sighed but complied and they left "what about me?" Yatori finally spoke "you can stay or leave its up to you" Eimi said "also here are the directions to my shrine" Eimi handed me a pice of paper. Nanami and Tomoe leaned over my shoulder "man do all gods or goddesses have bad handwriting and bad at giving directions" me, Nanami and Tomoe sighed. Aina laughed "I guess I'll stay with Amane she seems cool and she was the only one who wasn't mean to me back long ago" Yatori said, I laughed "true true" I nodded. Iwe all said our goodbyes to Nanami and Tomoe as Aina said she'd come with me as well and we headed to Eimi's shrine.

We all followed the directions that Eimi had and made it to the shrine after walking deep in a forest and climbing some stairs which Eimi failed to tell me. "Wow" me and Aina said looking at the well organized and good looking shrine. Me and Aina walked in the shrine and asked it was beautiful but it was like mikage's shrine almost only prettier. "So now we live like this... Awesome" Aina said claiming a room as Yatori claimed a room beside her, I looked around and found a room "GOT THIS ONE!" I screamed as Akura ou stood besides me "good I'm here as well" I blushed. I shook my head "no go get a different one" I said trying to push his out "what its not like this'll be the first time we slept in the same room" Akura ou smirked back at me. I sighed "fine" I said getting comfortable in the room and shrine.

Same with Yatori and Aina, they were comfortable once they fell asleep in their rooms. So this is my life from now on, lovely, "what are you doing out here?" Akura ou asked as I sat outside on the steps. I looked back at him "thinking" I sighed, I heard Akura ou's footsteps come closer to me and he sat down besides me "trying to get use to this lifestyle now?" He asked looking at me. I nodded looking up at the night sky "you'll get used to it after all you'll have me and Aina plus Yatori" Akura ou turning my face towards him with his forefinger on my chin "yeah" I smiled. Akura ou smiled leaning in and kissing me, maybe I will get used to this.


Hope you liked this book!
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