Chapter 11

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I sighed for the 5 millionth time since Akura ou had locked me inside this room and plus a few more since Eimi left me, I'm still wondering what she meant by the 'we' seriously what's going on? I'm so confused. I heard Akura ou stomping around and soon I heard his angry footsteps marching up to my door, ok get ready for a very angry Akura ou to come through that door. Soon enough the door was opened, or rather thrown opened and in came an angry demon king named Akura ou, "sooooo what's ya doin'?" I asked sitting on the ground, Akura ou sat in front of me, which in all honesty surprised me a bit.

Akura ou stared at me for a moment "do you know what's going on? Where is Tomoe?" I sighed "you want the long story or short story?" I asked "I really don't care" Akura ou sighed, I nodded "on a dark and stormy night-" "ok I do care tell me the short story" I giggled and started explaining what had happened. "And that's what had happened" I finished explaining what had happened "that was a long story I said short story" Akura ou said, I sighed "I told you didn't I?" I said in a sassy manner. Akura ou rolled his eyes and got up, I did the same and looked at him "please don't tell me your gonna do something to that human girl Yukiji... If you are I can't allow that to happen" I said, what am I gonna do throw a tantrum? I'm not five! Oh I know! I ran up and jumped on Akura ou's back, again, rapping my arms around his neck and my legs around him.

Akura ou glared back at me "what are you doing?" He asked, I sighed "what's does it look like I'm doing having tea with the queen" I rolled my eyes "get off" I shook my head "fine" Akura ou huffed and grabbed my hand and somehow throwing me over his shoulder and on the futon. I squeaked a little and I hit the futon "dude that hurt, plus I think I lost some brain cells" I said getting up "my aim was off" I looked at Akura ou confused "what how you aimed perfectly for the futon" I said getting up at standing in front of him. Akura ou shook his head "no I was aiming for the floor" I widen my eyes "geez thanks" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms "you're welcome" Akura ou said before pushing me back on the futon and walking out the door.

I smiled, he left the door open, I jumped to my feet and started jumping up and down before I bolted out of the room only to be tackled to the ground by Akura ou "oh come on dude" I said hitting his chest, damn why does he have to wear a net shirt and actually wear a shirt that doesn't show his chest. I sighed and stopped hitting Akura ou, what it was useless he's like a brick wall, I crossed my arms, glaring up at him "trying to escape again?" Akura ou asked grinning, wow that's not scary at all, "no I was going for a... Run yeah a run... I need my exercise" I smiled innocently up at him, me run hah if you see me running you better run too because Akura ou or another scary demon is chasing me, wow never thought those words would be said in my head.

Akura ou stared at me suspiciously before sitting on my stomach "ok if you want exercise I can help" wait what!? Please tell me my dirty mind is just playing with me and he didn't mean what my mind thought he meant, "not the way your thinking! Geez" I sighed in relief "oh thank goodness" I relaxed a bit. Akura ou then smirked as if he thought of something, aaaannnnndddd there goes my relaxation and my dirty mind is gone crazy, yup just another normal day in my mind, "but if that's what you want sure" I shook my head really fast almost giving myself whiplash. Akura ou started laughing "your fun" he laughed "thanks... Fearing for my life brings out the funniness in me" I sighed, Akura ou got up off me and helped me up "thanks... Soooo what's ya doin'?" I asked again looking at him.

Wow he looks handsome in this lighting, well in this sun light, wait what?! I shook my head "run" I tilted my head "what- AHHHHHH AKURA OU" I yelled running away from him, as he started chasing me, great I just had to say I needed exercise didn't I? "BY THE WAY IF I CATCH YOU, YOU HAVE TO HELP ME" I sighed, there's a shocker Akura ou wants something for doing this. I rolled my eyes and took a turn almost running into a big blob of fur but I dodged him "WHATS IN IT FOR ME IF I WIN?" I yelled, I heard Akura ou laugh a bit "IN ORDER TO WIN YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT OUTSIDE OF THIS CASTLE WITHOUT ME CATCHING YOU, IF YOU WIN ILL LET YOU GO FREE" I fist pumped the air and squealed. Hopefully I'll make it out alive.

Oh no will Amane win?
Or will Akura ou win?

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