"Good afternoon Professor Umbridge." The class chants together, though I hear McKenna say Dumbridge. Luckily, the toad doesn't notice anything.

"That's better." She grins. "Now, in my class you will be reading a book of defensive theory a chapter per class. This way of teaching has been approved by the ministry. You may begin reading chapter one as soon as you receive your book."

Lani raises her hand.

"Yes Miss..." Dumbridge trails off, waiting for Lani to fill in the blank.

"Davidson." Lani says quickly. Umbridge nods and Lani continues with her question. "When will we be using defensive spells?"

"Using defensive spells? Why, may I ask, would you need to use defensive spells in my classroom Miss Davidson?"

"Don't we need to practice the spells before our N.E.W.T.s?" Lani asks, her expression neutral.

"No, dear. The ministry believes that if you read through the theory that you will be able to pass your exams with flying colors without having practiced beforehand." Umbridge says, her voice more little-girlish than ever.

Lani struggles to keep her composure for a moment, then says, "Alright Professor" with a small smile.

The toad nods at her and we continue to read Chapter One of this nonsense book.


When classes are over for the day, the five of us head to dinner together, talking about Umbridge and her book of theory.

"I can't believe we're not going to be able to practice spells before the exams." Lani says.

"Then why didn't you say something to her?" McKenna asks.

"Like I said before, we need to stay on her good side." Lani explains.

"I don't know, I think she's a wretched toad on both sides." McKenna responds.

Lani and McKenna go on arguing this way.

"I don't know about you, Nessa, but I've been serious about school for too long. I could use a few hours of pranking to break in the school year. You in?" Fred asks, George looks over his shoulder at me, awaiting my answer.

"What do you mean you've been serious about it for too long? It's the second day, Fred. That being said, I'm up for it." I smile. Fred smirks and we leave the Great Hall without Lani or McKenna noticing. "No Kenna this time?"

"Well, she's in on it, that's why she happens to be distracting the Head Girl." George mutters with a smile.

"Alright, what are we doing this time?" I ask eagerly.

"We're rigging the Slytherin Common Room entrance while everyone is at dinner so that when they come back and try to get in, their hair will be turned red and gold." Fred says.

"Brilliant." I smile.

Within twenty minutes we have it set up and ready to go. Safely around the corner and hiding behind several statues, we wait for the Slytherins to return.

Draco and his goons come into view, shortly followed by... Umbridge who is in conversation with the three.

"Abort, abort!" George whisper-yells.

We run down the hallway as silently as we can. Fred and George slow a bit to watch the dye bomb go off.

"It hit Umbridge too, run!" Fred says, taking off down the corridor. They run ahead of me and I struggle to keep up with them but they turn out of sight.

Suddenly, Umbridge comes screeching around the corner, seething with Gryffindor colored hair, and catches sight of me. I run faster.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Umbridge screams.

I freeze in place, and tip over as Malfoy and the others come around the corner.

"Hey 'cuz." Draco says with a smirk.

"You, Miss Redwood are in an immense amount of trouble." She says, unfreezing me. "Detention, for a week with me."

I groan, but can't help but laugh at the hair on the four of them.

"Welcome to Gryffindor." I mutter.

"Two weeks!"

AN: Sorry I haven't been able to update regularly, I've just moved and I haven't had wifi until now. Anyway, if you haven't noticed, this book is going to be a lot longer than the first because I feel like there is a lot more to be explained. The last one was almost 30 chapters, this one will definitely be longer but I'm not sure by how much. Moving on, thanks for reading, make sure to vote and comment, you beautiful people.

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