Part 45

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^^^^ Hello again peeps

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^^^^ Hello again peeps. So we are officially past the half way point now. *yay!* Now things will get really interesting ;) ^^^^

*~**~*~*~*~*~ WARNING MATURE CONTENT*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


One week later

"I'll stop by later, during my lunch break, hopefully you will be feeling better then," Todd said as he kissed the top of her head and headed out of her apartment.

Anna sat up on the couch and listened to the elevator doors roll shut from the silence in her apartment and let out a sigh. She got off her couch, kicking her blanket off and started to clear the coffee table of the medication and bowl of uneaten soup.

The day Todd had left her purging her system until she saw stars, she had managed to be blessed with Todd being called away for an emergency that night. Which gave her time to think of a plan to get out of her situation. She had made a call to the college and explained to them that she had a family emergency and would be out of town until further notice. She had also called Jessica and found out that she had come down with the flu during the night and hadn't had a run in with Todd. Anna felt an overwhelming surge of relief but still worried about Jessica's safety so she explained that she was sick as well and would be out of school for awhile. Jessica insisted on coming over but Anna managed to keep her at bay with the explanation of the worst symptoms she possibly could think of and expressed her worry of spreading it to her beloved friend. Jessica instead steered clear and promised to collect any notes she could for her and would give them to her when she felt better.

With those worries out of the way Anna decided to stay locked in her apartment to avoid any further run ins with Kurtis until she found a way out. Unfortunately he wouldn't stop the phone calls, or countless texts, despite her begging him to. She remembered to delete any evidence off her phone right after each one and prayed he would stop eventually.

She also had cropped and edited her photos that she had taken on the night of the meet and greet and emailed them to Landon with the similar lie of being very ill. He shot her back a message and gushed over her photos like the last time and hoped she would feel better soon so he could pay her. Anna grimaced at the memory it brought up of when Kurtis and her had stopped by the hospital after Annabelle had been born.

Unfortunately the hard part was fooling Todd. With him being trained as a first responder, she had to make sure she was on her game. She researched every symptom and illness she possibly could on her laptop she had bought while staying with Jessica and made sure she nailed down every one. He showed up several times during every day so far. He seemed content to have her in her apartment. He was more than happy to drop off medications for her, even shower a few times in her apartment, making sure to show off his muscled top half of his body for her. Anna didn't have a problem pretending to be sick for the most part around him, since any move he made at her, any kiss, or touch literally made her sick to her stomach and sent her running for the bathroom. She was more than happy to avoid any attempt of him pushing their "relationship" any further.But she worried her sick lie was not going to pan out sooner than later.

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