Part 37

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^^^^^Introducing Todd

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^^^^^Introducing Todd. ;) ^^^^

Kurtis watched his girl walk away, trying her best to control her sobs. He could see her heart shatter in front of him as Megan had set down the test on the table. He watched as Megan destroyed the only thing he cared about, all for selfish reasons.

Kurtis turned back to head into the restaurant to see Megan standing behind him, smiling smugly.

"You fucking Selfish bitch," He shouted, not caring if everyone heard him. Megan jumped slightly at his tone.

"How fucking dare you, you useless scut! You just cant let anyone be happy without destroying it, can you?! What did you think I was just going to drop Anna for a piece of rubbage like you? Thought that if you just dropped that stick on the table, you and I would fall in love and have a happy fucking life?" Kurtis shouted as he stepped up to her and towered over her. She went to open her mouth when Kurtis continued. "Because you are sadly mistaken Megan! I know I wouldn't even consider sleeping with you, drunk or not, and jeopardize my relationship with Anna. See here's the difference, I thought I loved you, I KNOW I'm in love with Anna."

He watched Megan's eyes start to tear before she sucked them back and stuck out her pointed chin.

"Now, you have two options," Kurtis snarled as he glared at her. " You can either go find Anna and tell her the fucking truth, the whole truth from the night you decided to pull this shit. Or we're going to get a doctors appointment and you're getting a fucking DNA test, and when it comes back fucking negative, I am going to show everyone, get Anna back, then I will go to the police and file a restraining order on you. Your choice"

He watched Megan glare at him before she crossed her arms over her chest. "It's yours."

"So be it, I'll make the fucking appointment. Until then, stay the fuck away from me," Kurtis spat. He gave her one last final cold glare before he walked slowly around her and back into the restaurant. He found Landon standing behind the bar with a grim expression on his face. Kurtis stalked past him and punched his way into the kitchen with Landon following.

"That slag," Kurtis cursed as he began to pace. Landon leaned against the door frame and shook his head.

"She's only sticking with this so it gives time for Anna to either move on or set in stone that it's yours," Landon said softly.

Kurtis ran a hand through his hair and parked it on the stool in the corner of the kitchen.

"What do I do?" He whispered.

"Well if she is 8 weeks along, you can get it done right away," Landon offered as he pushed away from the door frame to pace this time. "If she isn't that far along, you will have to wait it out."

Kurtis cursed again as he rubbed his face.

"I can't lose her," He whispered. "I love that girl way too much."

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