Part 21

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"Are you okay?" He asked

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"Are you okay?" He asked. She heard his truck roar to life on his end as she ignored the car that slowly rolled by, with a few cat calls from inside.

"I'm okay, I just feel like a fool," Anna sniffed as she tried to fight back another urge to cry. Some days she literally hated being a female.

"You're not, you got played by a dick," He grumbled into his phone.

"You know," She pointed out softly. "You shouldn't be on your phone when you're driving."

"Bluetooth, and don't worry about me love," He laughed. "I'll be there in a few minutes."

"I was gonna call a cab," She sighed. "You didn't need to come to my rescue yet again."

"Don't even give it a second thought, you didn't ask by the way, I just am," He argued as she saw his truck pull onto the street a few blocks away. She stood up and gave him a small wave.

"I see you," He said before he hung up. He rolled up slowly and unlocked the doors for her.

"Are you okay?" He asked as she buckled herself in. She nodded and avoided his eyes as he studied her carefully. He lightly grabbed her arm that Leon had grabbed roughly and stilled. Anna looked down and noticed the red mark of a bruise starting to form.

"I'm fine," Anna said softly as Kurtis tried to mask over the dark look that had took over his handsome face.

He gave her a small grunt as he pulled away from the curb and began to head home. Anna kept her head down as she tried to get a grip on her rolling emotions. She could sense Kurtis stewing in his own turmoil beside her as he sat quietly. He reached behind him with his free hand and grabbed his hoodie from the back seat of his truck and handed it to her without taking his eyes off the road.

Anna mumbled a thank you as she slipped it on and zipped it up to her neck. She watched him turn the heat on full blast and didn't answer her.

Anna sat quietly as she rolled the whole night over again in her head and wished she had clued in sooner, to not be so taken by a player.

Stupid, stupid, stupid little girl.

"You look beautiful by the way," Kurtis said softly as he turned into the residential area they lived in.

"Thanks," Anna sniffed and cursed under her breath as a tear broke free unexpectedly. She wiped it away with her sleeve before she remembered that it wasn't her hoodie.

"Shit, sorry," She sighed as she noticed it had her mascara on it.

"Don't think twice about it," He smiled at her as he patted her exposed knee closest to him. She revealed in the comforting act as his hand lingered before he pulled back.

He parked his truck in front of her broken car and shut the truck off as she almost laughed at the sight of it. It was like the poster for her life, broken, falling to parts, and no matter how fast you try to fix its problems another springs up out of the blue.

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