Part 10

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^^^^^ Hello again

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^^^^^ Hello again. Pic of delicious hangover hash. Whose tried it? Crazy good. Any who, onto the next part ^^^^^

Anna groaned and rolled over when she heard movement in the house a few hours later. Anna covered her head with her pillow to drown out the noises as she tried to go back to sleep.

Kurtis stirred beside her before he cursed under his breath and sat up slightly at the sound of a vacuum cleaner running.

"Bloody hell," He grumbled before he flopped back down on the bed.

"You awake?" He asked her with a yawn.

"No," Anna growled from under her pillow.

Kurtis chuckled as he lifted her pillow slightly. Anna glared at him from under the pillow and snatched it back down.

"Go away," She grumbled buried herself further into the bed.

"Sounds like someone might be slightly under the weather," He laughed beside her and groaned slightly. "I know I am."

"Good," Anna bit out. "And I'm blaming you for this."

"What? Why?" He asked as he lifted her pillow slightly.

"I could of just stayed home, studied til my brain shut off, instead of being dragged out, to drink waaay too much and now to be slowly dying," Anna muttered as she glared at him. "All.Your.Fault."

"Come on, let's get up and we'll go home," Kurtis laughed. Anna snatched her pillow back down and let out a growl.

"No, leave me to die," She whined. "There's no promise of coffee if I get out of this bed anyways."

"We'll have coffee when we go home," Kurtis smirked as he pulled back the blankets. Anna refused to move until he ripped the rest of blankets back and slapped her bottom. Anna jolted up with a gasp in shock and gaped at him.

"Now you're up," Kurtis smirked as he eyed her bottom before he went to retrieve his clothes off the floor.

"You did not just do that," Anna said in awe. Kurtis turned back to her and grinned.

"I did, and if you don't get up out of the bed, I'll do it again," Kurtis threatened with a wink. Anna sat up quickly and glared at his back as he pulled on his jeans. She grabbed her pillow and hit him hard.

"Jerk," Anna huffed as she tossed the pillow back. Kurtis finished buckling his jeans calmly before he turned back and pounced on her. Anna had enough time to gasp and try to scramble away. He caught her by the waist and dragged her back down to him.

"Rather feisty aren't we this morning," Kurtis snickered as he pinned her down. Anna glared at him as she tried to get out from him as he settled himself between her legs. Anna tried to ignore how close he was to her center, or how good it felt, or how hot her body flushed when she glanced down their bodies and saw her legs spread wide for him as she tried to wiggle away.

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