Part 35

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^^^^^It's a long one peeps, but I could not break it up, it would be cruel

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^^^^^It's a long one peeps, but I could not break it up, it would be cruel. So here you go ;) <3 ^^^^^

Anna groaned for the final time before she let her head fall down on the kitchen table of Jessica's place.

"It's 3am," Anna whined. "I'd say if you don't have it by now, you're literally screwed."

Jessica paced by the table again as she kept her hand under her chin.

"Just one more question," She mumbled, her thoughts obviously churning still. Anna's head had already been throbbing since 1am, but now it decided to pack it's things, leave and plan on never returning.

"Nooooo," Anna groaned with her face laid out on the text book. "I need to go home,Kurtis is probably in bed already getting worried."

Jessica snapped out of it and looked at the clock.

"Oh my god, it's 3?!" She panicked. "I need to get to bed, the test is in less than 5 hours away."

Anna sighed with relief before shut Jessica's text books and stacked them on the table. She handed over the flash cards before she gathered her books.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Anna grumbled before she headed for Kurtis's truck. She got in and let out a groan of exhaustion, her brain giving her another throb. She started up the truck and nearly day dreamed about crawling into a warm bed and tucking herself in beside Kurtis. She checked her phone quickly to send him a text that she was coming home when she noticed she had already received one from him.

Going to bed, hurry up and get that cute little bottom back here. I already miss you. XOXO

Anna smiled before she decided against sending him one about her leaving, risking waking him up, and put the truck in drive. She smiled to herself during the drive as she remember all his drunken love texts, as the night went on the more detailed he got, but she didn't mind. It was the only highlight to helping Jessica study all night.

Anna sighed as she rolled onto their street and pulled up into the parking space a few seconds later. She could hear their bed calling from inside the truck.

Anna groaned as she got out of the truck and quietly made her way into the four plex. When she noticed the couch was empty, she shook her head as she set her bag down in the hall quietly, wondering what Megan could be possibly doing in the wee hours of morning. She had never lived her life like that so she literally had no clue.

Anna stifled a yawn as she headed down the hall, and frowned slightly at the shut door to their bedroom. Anna opened the door and stood in bewilderment as the hallway light cast across their bed.

"You have got to be joking me," Anna loudly said in her shocked stupor. In their bed laid, Kurtis wrapped around Megan under the covers, both sound asleep. Megan sat up slightly before she squinted at the doorway. Kurtis was the next before he realized it was her. He looked over to the bed and gaped.

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