Part 15

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^^^^^^^ Alrighty Peeps

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^^^^^^^ Alrighty Peeps. Here's the next one. So much mud ^ :D lol And if anyone wanted to send any covers for Engulfed, I would be more than thrilled to feature them in the following part for not only myself but for everyone to see. The one I made is kind of "meh" to me so not totally set in stone to be the permanent cover. Anywho, on wards to the next part :) ^^^^^^^

****Song for the part is: Fitz and the Tantrums-Hand clap ****

"Fuck my life," Anna cried as she grabbed the 'oh shit' handle by the door as they bounced in the cab as his truck let out a tremendous rev as muddy water hit the windshield and covered them. Kurtis laughed as he hit the wipers on full blast as he revved them out of the puddle into soggy earth. Anna laughed as he maneuvered them through the earth, as mud splattered out from the wheels and coated their windows. He dropped them into a lower gear as he started to bog down and climbed his truck out of the ruts. Once on moderately solid ground he shifted up and floored it after Landon as they started on another hill. Anna let out a nervous giggle as he raced forward and got side by side with Landon. Anna could barely make out the white land rover before Kurtis looked over and gave him the bird before he shifted gears as they got to the top of another hill. Anna gasped in laughter as they headed straight for another large puddle and braced herself for impact this time as both vehicles dove head first for it. Anna nearly shrieked as a tidal wave of mud caked her window on impact as they both spun fiercely through the mud to get traction on the edge of the puddle.

"I can't see fuck all," Kurtis laughed as he tried to back up as his tires spun.

"Roll down your window," Anna called as she made fast work of hers. She ripped the bandanna she had in her hair she had wrapped it in earlier and cleared her window. She rolled her window up and undid her belt just before Landon made another attempt to get out of the puddle flinging mud at her window.

"Bastard," Anna gaped before she leaped across the middle and under Kurtis's arms to try to wipe his window.

"Fuck it, get back in your seat love, hope you don't mind get dirty," Kurtis laughed as she pulled back as he rolled down both windows.

"Bring it," Anna grinned before he threw the truck into low gear and pinned it. Anna laughed hysterically as mud came spraying up and landing in the cab, spraying Kurtis and her. Anna flipped Landon the bird as they dug their way to the top of the edge, as they coated him in mud just as Roger made fast work to enter next with his boat of a car.

"Yes," Kurtis said as he laughed with her as he ripped down the beaten path. Anna laughed as she had to hold the roof several times to stop impact with her head as he did.

They came to a skidding stop of mud as they reached a clearing. Kurtis waited for Roger to show up as he gave a rev of his engine. Roger grinned through the passenger seat as he rolled down the window.

"You ready bro?" He shouted as Anna leaned over to grin at him, despite she was covered in mud from the right side.

"We're gonna hand Landon his ass," Anna called through Kurtis's window as he looked at her with a large grin, the left side of his face speckled with mud.

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