Part 19

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^^^^^^^ Hello again peeps! Ugh, been dealing with an unusual amount of snow for my part of the Province here in Canada

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^^^^^^^ Hello again peeps! Ugh, been dealing with an unusual amount of snow for my part of the Province here in Canada. Well not for me, I'm from up north so we got lots of snow, but I moved down closer to the coast and 80cms has almost shut down the city! Crazy stuff lol Anyone else getting snowed in? Well guess it would be a good time to stay in, curl up, and kick it with some stories on wattpad :) ^^^^^^

****Part song- One direction: perfect********

Anna set down her books the next day once she entered her morning class and set them down on her usual desk before she sat down. She kicked her bag underneath her as she ignored the waves of students filter in as the class grew louder. She opened her text book and dug out her notebook when she noticed a tall dark haired male stop down the aisle and glance back at her. She gave him a small smile before she turned her attention back to her notebook and flipped to a new page. She had seen him before around the college but never really paid to him because he never paid attention to her before. She barely noticed him take the seat across the aisle from her as she quickly scribbled down a few notes she forgot to add last night due to all the chaos the day before. She was in mid sentence before she heard someone clear their throat. She ignored it, knowing it wasn't for her before it happened again a minute later. She straightened up and glanced around before she noticed the dark haired male staring at her across the aisle at her with a smile. Anna frowned at him before she looked around to make sure she wasn't mistaken.

"Hi," He called as he turned in his seat as she turned her attention back to his navy blue eyes.

"Uh...Hi?" Anna slowly said in confusion.

"I'm Leon," He said as he extended his hand over the aisle just before someone rushed past and ran into his arm. Anna gasped as he quickly retracted his arm and gathered up his books. He held up a finger to her as she laughed slightly and watched him cross the aisle with his stuff and take the seat next to her. He sighed as he set down his books, put his jacket on the back of the chair and sat down.

"Let's try that again," He laughed as he extended his arm to her."Hi, I'm Leon."

"Anna, is your arm okay?" She asked in amusement as she shook his hand.

"I'm good, had worse," He waved off with a grin.

"Well that's reassuring," Anna smirked at him before she turned back to her notes.

"Not to use the cheesy pick up lines,but come here often?" Leon asked, causing her to look at him again and set her pencil down.

"Now that was cheesy," Anna smiled. "And I think that would be obvious. Being enrolled in a course and all."

"Going to admit, I was just trying to keep the conversation rolling," Leon smiled at her as he took her in as she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why?" She asked bluntly.

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