Part 30

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^^^^What a view eh? Personally love going out of town, high up and able to look out at whatever city I'm living in<3 Anyways on with the show, Personally I love this chapter, let me know what you think :) ^^^^^^^

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^^^^What a view eh? Personally love going out of town, high up and able to look out at whatever city I'm living in<3 Anyways on with the show, Personally I love this chapter, let me know what you think :) ^^^^^^^

After they dropped her check off into her bank account, Kurtis stopped by a steakhouse and picked up food, turned his truck west and headed for the city outskirts. When Anna asked where they were heading he winked at her and told her to trust him. Anna sunk back into her seat as she enjoyed the ride as he headed up the side of the hills that surrounded the city. Anna gazed out her window as she watched the trees become more dense around them, their autumn leaves and colours stunning in the last of the afternoon light. Kurtis kept his hand on her knee as he turned off on a logging road and the truck bumped and jostled its was up further, as he steered around the worse of the ruts with one hand. Anna began to grow nervous as he the road grew smaller and the ruts got deeper. She was more than thankful the weather had been sunny and dry, keeping the dirt more solid and easing her worry of them getting stuck. Anna looked over at Kurtis and noticed he was at complete ease. When road stopped its climb and began to flatten out, The road finally lead to a clearing on the edge of the hilltop, where kurtis pulled his truck up close to the edge and parked.

"Wow," Anna mumbled as she sat forward as she took in the view. Parked close to the edge, gave them a panoramic view of the city below, twinkling in the orange sunlight. Anna grabbed her camera out of her bag and got out of the truck slowly. Kurtis joined her as he stretched. Anna snapped a few pictures and smiled behind her lens.

"This is beautiful," Anna smiled as she looked over at Kurtis after a few more shots.

"Thought you would enjoy this," Kurtis smiled as he casually leaned against the hood of his truck and looked out. "I like to come here once and awhile when I'm alone. It's calming."

Anna raised her camera and snapped a few shots of his profile before he turned towards her and gave her a smile. Anna captured it and smiled back at him.

"Shutter bug," He teased as Anna walked over and kissed him.

"Thank you," Anna sighed as he tucked her into his side and wrapped his arm over her shoulders. They both leaned their backs against the hood of the truck as the silently took in the view. Anna snapped more pictures as it grew dark and the city lights began to glitter on all across the city.

"How about some food," Kurtis asked as the night began to grow chilly and Anna began to shiver slightly. Anna nodded as she wished she had brought a jacket and warmer clothing so they could stay outside a little longer. They climbed into the truck as Kurtis opened up the take out bag. Anna took the container he handed her as she tucked her legs underneath her.

"This is better than a picnic," Anna smiled before they started on their food. Kurtis nodded and shrugged.

"It's not bad," Kurtis said before they ate. When they finished eating, Kurtis packed up their containers and tucked them away. Anna sighed as she turned back to the view and smiled.

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