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"tzuyu wake up" tzuyu struggles to open her eyes. "Aigoo, my little donsaengs eyes are puffy" Tzuyu managed to open her eyes. "J-jin oppa?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "I made breakfast sit up I will feed you" Jin helped Tzuyu sit up and started to feed her. After Tzuyu was finished eating she laid back down. "I'm tired" she whispered. But before Jin could walk out Tzuyu stopped him. "Oppa?" Jin then stopped and turned around to face Tzuyu. "Hmm"

"Did jungkook come back home?" She whispered "a-" before he could reply. He heard jungkook walk in the front door. "Just rest ok call me if you need anything" but Tzuyu said one thing. "Ani, Gwenchana I think I'll just go out for some fresh air" she nearly cried but held it in. Jin sighed.

Tzuyu decided to have a shower and leave. Jin walked downstairs to see jungkook taking his jumper off. "Yah, where were you last night?" Jin asked folding his arm which triggered taehyung and the boys to come and see except Jimin and namjoon who were out.

"I stayed the night at nianas, we didn't do anything" jungkook had no expressions when he said all that, he just walked past the boys and into the kitchen. "Wheres Tzuyu?" He came out and asked the boys. "She's upstairs" jungkook sighed. He made his way upstairs. When he went to his room he didn't see any sign of Tzuyu. 'Where is she?' He thought. But then he heard tiny footsteps making their way past jungkooks room.

He walked out to be standing right in front of Tzuyu. Tzuyus eyes widened but then quickly looked down so her hair can cover her eyes. "Hey babe where you going?" He asked. "Im just going for a walk" she replied bluntly and walked past him. "Yah, why are you mad??" Jungkook asked... Tzuyu couldn't think so she shrugged her shoulders. "Look I'm sorry ok, I love you and I would never do anything with niana, we're just friends ok, I'm just helping her out, I love you and only you" Jungkook smiled. Tzuyu sighed and gave in. "I love you too jungkook" she smiled and hugged him, jungkook gave Tzuyu a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm coming with you ok, just wait for me I'll have a shower and meet you downstairs" Tzuyu nodded and smiled but when jungkook went into the room she smelt a weird smell on him.... Not perfume but something else. She just shrugged it off and went downstairs. "Are you ok?" Taehyung asked Tzuyu as she sat down next to him watching him play the PS4. "Mmm I'm ok, me and jungkook made up" Tzuyu closed her eyes and smiled. Taehyung had anger rising in him. "Look after yourself dongsaeng" he said out of nowhere and that made Tzuyu think. "I'm fine" she replied. "Ready?" Tzuyu turned around to see a smiling jungkook. Tzuyu nodded "lets go" she smiled.


After their day out Tzuyu was getting tired. So she asked jungkook to drop her off home. "Thanks for today" Tzuyu smiled at jungkook. "It's ok baby I'll pick you up tomorrow morning" jungkook said "yah, it's not like I live with you" after Tzuyu said that Jungkook smirked... "starting tomorrow you are because your group is flying out to see their families and your family lives in Seoul so theirs no point" Jungkook smiled and kissed Tzuyu. "I love you, I'll see you tomorrow" jungkook said before Tzuyu hopped out.


"Hey babe" Jungkook smiles at Tzuyu "hey handsome" jungkook and Tzuyu made their way to the bts mansion. "Were here" jungkook woke Tzuyu up. Jungkook and Tzuyu hopped out of the car and went inside. "Oh hey Tzuyu" Jimin and taehyung said. "Hey guys" she went and hugged them. "Yah" jungkook pulled me away from them. Jimin scoffed at jungkook.

"Oh hey little one" Jin came and hugged Tzuyu. "Oh by the way I need you to go to the store for me and buy me these things" Jin gave jungkook and note. "Thanks" jungkook sighed and nodded "I'll be back" jungkook kissed Tzuyu and Tzuyu nodded. While Tzuyu and and bts were sitting in the lounge they were minding their own business until all the bts members got sent a message which was a video except Tzuyu.

Everyone gasped except Tzuyu. "Why are you guys like that??" Tzuyu furrowed her eyebrows "Omo! Did you guys ge-" but before hoseok could finish what he was saying namjoon quickly stood up ran to cover hoseoks mouth. "A-ani! We didn't get anything" namjoon smiled weirdly at Tzuyu. "Cmon guys, why are you guys all of a sudden acting weird" Tzuyu was getting uncomfortable.

With taehyung sitting next to Tzuyu. She just nodded and took a sneak peek at taehyungs phone that was in his hands but the screen was facing down. "Ooookkk" Tzuyu pretended to let it go but then she quickly grabbed taehyungs phone and ran off with the boys chasing after her until she got cornered at the front door. "Haaahhh! Now I got the phone now I can see why you guys are so weird" she was chuckling until she clicked on the video and her jaws dropped.

'Ugh Fck daddy, yeah' moans filled the room. 'Fck your so tight niana' jungkook leaned forward and thrusted hard and slow.

Tzuyu covered her mouth as she was so shocked. Still watching the video tears were threatening to fall. Jungkook then all of a sudden walks through the door. "I'm back" he calls out but everyone was standing their looking at jungkook weirdly but then his eyes landed on Tzuyu next to him watching a video. His eyes widened and all of a sudden he grabs the phone of Tzuyu. "Tzuyu it's not what it looks like" Jungkook looked at her.

Tzuyu couldn't say anything, she was hurt, broken, sad, angry she couldn't speak at all she was too shocked at what she just saw. "Babe, look at me" Tzuyu still had her mouth covered, her sniffing and crying. She dropped on the ground. Jungkook went down to tzuyus level and tried calming her down but Tzuyu pushed jungkooks hands away.

She then stood up. "I want to go Jimin " she stood up and jimin nodded. Jimin grabbed Tzuyu and they made heir way out the front door past Jungkook who was also hurt. "Tzuyu, I'm sorry!" Jungkook yelled as Tzuyu hopped into the car with jimin. "Yah!!" He yelled as tears were falling hard. His hyungs walked away as he was left at the door watching Tzuyu drive off. "Fck!!" He yelled as he punched the wall.

Blood dripping down his fist he was mad but he was angry at himself. 'Who would take that fcking video?' Jungkook thought as he cried looking at his bleeding fists. Namjoon had to come and grab him. "Cmon kid" namjoon lifted Jungkook as he stood up and followed namjoon into the kitchen. "Wait their I'll get some stuff for your fists" namjoon went and grabbed the stuff. Jungkook was still crying.


Meanwhile with Tzuyu she wanted to go to a hotel and stay their.... "please don't tell Jungkook where I am" Jimin sighed and nodded. "I need to make my way to the company I'm sorry I can't stay" Jimin hugged Tzuyu tightly as they were standing in front of the door. "I love you little one I'm always here if you want to talk ok" Jimin released from the hug and stared at Tzuyu. "Don't cry, he's not worth your tears" Jimin frowned and wiped tzuyus tears. "Kamsamida oppa" she smiled and unlocked the door and walked in. "Don't forget to lock the door, ill come by tomorrow to bring your things ok" Jimin says and Tzuyu nodded.

"My poor dongsaeng" he shook his head and sighed.

[1360 wc]
Drama drama drama everywhere, here near and everywhere, Jungkook would you be able to fix things? I'm curious to know what happens in the future chapters aigoo you done it now Jungkook......
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