Chapter 39

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Tundra's POV

I was laying in bed because I felt a bit weaker than usual. Ash told me to rest whenever I wasn't 100% so I could break easier.

Aiden came in the room and sat on my bed next to me. I smiled at him. "Are you okay mommy?" He asked, worry in his eyes.

"I'm okay Aiden." I told him as I kissed his head. He was so handsome, just like Ash.

"I missed you so much." He said as he hugged me tightly, crying. "Shh, it's okay baby, I'm here now..." I mumbled as I rocked him back and forth.

"M-mommy... Jakob is acting strange... And his eyes... They're different." Aiden told me.

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Is everything alright Tundra? You seem worried.' I hear Ash's voice in my head.

' Yeah, everything is fine.' I told him." Aiden what do you mean Jakob is acting strange?" I asked.

"Come see." He said. I got up and followed him.

I opened the door to their Ron and I saw Jakob's eyes were red and he had extremely large fangs. He was about to bite Amelia.

"Jakob no!" I shouted as I grabbed him. He bit me instead. I cried out in pain as the fangs penetrated my skin, digging into my bone.

"Ash, emergency, get here now and get Kestrel and Liam." I mind linked him.

Kestrel's POV

Liam and I rush to the pack house in our wolf forms as fast as we can. I just got Amelia back and I am not losing her again.

We burst into the house where Tundra was clutching her hand. Ash was holding Jakob....who had very red eyes.

I picked up Amelia and held to my chest as she cried.

"What the hell happened." Liam demanded.

"Jakob, there is something wrong with Jakob." Tundra cries.

Her hand is bleeding pretty badly. "Liam go get first aid for Tundra." I tell him.

He nods and leaves the room. Amelia's tears soak my shirt and I hold her even closer to me.

"Mommy why did Jakob try to bite me?" She questions between sobs.

"I don't know sweetheart." I answer her. I look over at Jakob and Ash. Jakob's eyes were no longer red and his teeth were slowly going back to their normal size.

What happened to him? He was such a sweet and innocent little boy, now that child is acting like a......

My eyes widen.

A vampire.

Tundra's POV

Jakob looked so confused. "Mommy?" He questioned. He tried to move but Ash had him held back. "Mommy?" He asked again. He started crying once he saw the blood on me.

"You did this!" Aiden screamed at Jakob. "No I didn't!" Jakob cried.

"Boys. Stop." I hissed. Amelia was still crying as Kestrel held her. Jakob was still restrained by Ash.

Liam came back with a first aid kit and fixed up my arm.

"If he had bitten and harder, he would have broken your arm." Liam stated.

"I don't know what's wrong with him." I whimpered. 2 men came in.

They chained up Jakob's hands and feet. They put a mask over his mouth so he couldn't bite anyone. He was whimpering and crying.

I started sobbing and Ash held me close as he watched with sadness, our little boy being taken away.

"Where are they taking him?" Aiden asked. "The dungeons." Ash stated.

I let out a strangled sob when I heard that. My baby was being put in the dungeons. I couldn't believe this...

I fell to the ground, taking Ash with me, screaming and crying.

Kestrel's POV

Jakob was taken to the dungeons. A little boy can't survive there. Amelia and Aiden were heartbroken to see him go, and in such a violent way.

Tundra retreated to her room and Ash followed. Aiden just stayed in the room emotionless.

Liam and I left with Amelia. I wanted to go home, my nephew was just taken away.

I hold Amelia close to my chest. Liam was carrying us in his wolf form. Amelia was fast asleep in my arms and I gently lifted her up.

When we reached the house I put her in her little bed.

When I was younger, I always thought that everyone could have babies, I always wanted children of my own. Now I realize that world is a cruel and dark place. People who desperately want children can't have them.

The people who do have them get them taken away.

I just got my family back together and it's all being torn apart again.

Tundra's POV

I sat on my bed, just staring blanket at the wall. "Here." I heard Ash. I didn't move.

"Tundra, you have to eat." I heard Ash again. I still didn't move. I didn't feel hungry, or tired. I didn't feel anything right now.

"Tundra." Ash repeated.

"I know you didn't want this for him, but its the only way to keep us and himself safe. You know what they will do if they find out he exists." He told me.

"The council has no right to interfere in our business." I snapped. "You know that's not true Tundra." Ash says.

"Besides, every other pack wouldn't want him to be alive either, afraid of him and what he might do-." I cut him off.

"He a child! He can't DO ANYTHING!" I hollered.

"Children are more dangerous than adults in this case!" Ash shouted back.

"That's our son and you're just going to lock him away in a place for prisoners?!" I screamed at him.

"WE HAVE NO CHOICE!" He roared.

I went silent. He was right. We didn't have a choice.

"Ash, that's my baby down there..." I whimpered. He sighed.

"I know Tundra, I know." He said sadly. 

He hugged me and I cried into his chest.

Kestrel's POV

Liam fell asleep a few hours ago but I couldn't bring myself to sleep. I thought this was all over, but I was wrong.

I got everyone's hopes up and look what happens.

I crawl into the bed beside Liam and daydream.

Everyone was happy. Red River, Black Guard, everyone was living in harmony.

Everyone was happy working together. Liam, Ash, Tundra, and I stood over them and watched. We had smiles on our faces.

We made this community, and we were thriving.

Jakob, Aiden, and Amelia were teenagers now and they were still up to no good. They hid some ingredients from the cooks and then proceeded to through flour at each other.

We all just laughed and continued to watch the population proceed with their daily lives.

I want this to happen.

It will happen.

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