Chapter 2

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Tundra's POV

I opened my eyes and I was in a bed. I hadn't been in a bed for over 10 years. The door opened and I panicked. Was I supposed to get out of the bed and lay on the floor like always? Or would I get in trouble for doing something I didn't do? I started panicking.

When I saw the two alphas walk in, I quickly got off of the bed and got on my sore and bruised knees before them. I bowed my head, hoping I wouldn't get kicked like I always did.

"What are you doing?" The alpha male asked.

I didn't answer, afraid of punishment.

"Does she talk?" The female asked.

"She does, I just think she's afraid." The alpha male said.

Flashbacks ran through my mind.

"Are you afraid?" The beta, Jack asked.

I nodded my head. Whip. I was shaking as I kneeled on the cold hard concrete floor. I could feel the blood trickling down my back as the wolfsbane scarred my skin.

"Are you afraid?!" He bellowed.

I shook my head this time. I got two whips. I tried so hard to hold back my cries of pain. I wish this would all end, I wish someone would save me.

I came back to reality.

"Are you afraid?" The female asked.

My whole body started trembling as I thought of what to reply.

"Why isn't she answering?" The female asked as she took a step towards me.

On instinct, I moved myself backwards, cowering away from them. I don't think I could handle anymore pain. I whimpered when the male tried to get closer to me.

"I-I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!" I begged as tears came out of my eyes.

Begging never worked, but maybe this time it will.

Kestrel's POV

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." I say. This seems to settle her a little bit but she still curled in a ball.

"I swear, we won't hurt you." I say. I look at my brother and see that he's tense.

I touch my brothers arm and he stops tensing so much. I can still see that he is in pain as well.

"You talk to her." I whipser in his ear. If he hasn't rejected her then he is the only one who can help her.

He nods and I leave the room. I open the door and walk down the hall. A gamma walks down the hallway.

"He is not to be bothered." I say. He nods and walks back down the hallway.

I walk down the hallway and open the door to my room. I walk over to my old wooden bookshelf and grab a small leather book.

I open it and begin to read the inked markings of my ancestors. I hear a knock on the door.

I open the door and see one of the beta boys; Harry.

"Hello Harry, what do you need?" I ask.

"The prisoner is missing, her trail leads to your brothers room, do you have any idea what he is doing?" He asks.

I nod "He brought her in for private questioning and he does not wish to be disturbed."

He nods and walks down the hall. I sigh and close the door. I sit down on my bed and read.

Tundra's POV

I didn't want to get hurt. I couldn't take anymore.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I never would." The alpha says.

He tries to sit next to me but I move over a bit. He sighs and plays with his fingers.

"I'm Ash." He said.

I nodded my head.

"What's your name?" The alpha asked.

I took a deep shaky breath. "Tundra." I reply.

He smiles warmly. "That's a beautiful name." He said sweetly.

I nodded my head and tried to move further.

"Please don't run away from me. It makes me feel like I've done something wrong." The alpha begged and pleaded.

I whimpered as the alpha touched my arm. I hissed when he accidentally touched one of my still healing wounds. I could feel the tingles and it gave me an urge to jump in his arms and stay there forever. I grew tired and closed my eyes, falling asleep.

Kestrel's POV

I grow tired and eventually set the book back on the shelf and crawl into my bed.

I like sleeping in my human form, when I sleep in wolf form I always feel aching in the morning.

I close my eyes and fall into dreamland.


I walked through the fields where the first war was held. Claw marks and paw prints still held up in the dirt, but all was calm.

I heard a low growl from behind me and turned around. A large black wolf stood there and stared at me with hungry eyes.

I whipped around and saw warrior wolves crouching around me. I shifted into wolf form and howled.

Surely Ash would hear me. The wolves attacked and then I saw Ash plow through.

We attack them together until I see the one that seemed to be second in command. I stared at his green eyes and my insides leapt.

I had found my soul mate.

Then a wolf knocked me to the ground and tried bit in my face.

I flew up in my bed and looked around. I was still in my room. I set my hand on my forehead and felt beads of sweat.

I have to tell my brother this first thing tomorrow morning.

Tundra's POV

The alpha had set me on the bed and had fallen asleep with his arms around my waist. I was shaking and trembling. I knew it was only a matter of time before he rejected me. I know he's going to hurt me. Everyone eventually does. Tears were running down my face as I tried to get out of the alpha's tight grip.

I whimpered when he tightened his arms around my small bruised waist. I looked around for an exit but it was useless. The alpha furrowed his eyebrows and started whimpering.

"Don't hurt her!" He cried out quietly.

Of course he was dreaming about his girlfriend. He would never care about a piece of trash like me. Tears brimmed my eyes again. I pull up the sleeve on my shirt and see scars covering me. I whined lowly as I remember how I got each and everyone of them.

I can still feel the silver as it presses into my skin, making deep gashes and forever scars. I was brought back to reality when I heard growling.

"Who did this to you?" The alpha snarled.

I was terrified to even breathe at the moment. The alpha noticed my scared state and he quickly calmed himself.

"Please tell me who did this." He begged.

I don't say anything as warm tears roll down my cheeks. The alpha sighs and lays down, pulling me with him. My bruised hips were screaming in pain but I ignored it. I always learned to block out the really bad pain. I close my eyes again and fall asleep.

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