Chapter 28

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Tundra's POV

A few days later....

Today was the day. The day that I got my vocal cords fixed. Ash held my hand as we walked in the infirmary. There was equipment everywhere and I was a bit nervous.

"You'll be fine. I'm right here." Ash whispers in my ear.

I nod my head and lay down on a cot. The boys were with Kestrel and Liam along with Amelia. Ash held my hand tight as they injected me with anesthetic. I couldn't feel any pain, but I was scared. Ash squeezed my hand to reassure me everything was going to be okay.

After the surgery, the doctor smiled.

"It was successful. You only need to wait 24 hours and then you can talk again." She smiled brightly.

"Thank you so much." Ash said.

"Thank you." I returned her smile.

I got up off of the cot and went to find my sons and Kestrel. I found them in the daycare with other kids. Someone was reading a story as Liam held Aiden and Jakob and Kestrel held Amelia. I smiled as I walked over and took Jakob from Liam, Ash taking Aiden.

"How did it go?" Kestrel asks.

"It was a successful operation, Tundra should be able to speak within 24 hours." Ash's eyes light up as he says so.

Kestrel's POV

I smile and I give Amelia to Liam. "I can't wait to hear it again." I say to Tundra.

I give her a hug and move on to Ash. I hug him to and I hear his heartbeat.

I let go of him and Liam stands behind.

"We better be getting home, Amelia needs to go to sleep." I say.

They nod and walk out of the daycare. We go our separate ways.

Once we get outside Liam shifts into his wolf form. 'Hop on my back.' He says.

"Are you sure?" I ask him. He nods and I lift up my leg.

I put it on the other side of him and sit down.

He starts to move and I hold Amelia tighter. He picks up speed, but doesn't go too fast.

Our house comes into view and I smile.

It was a beautiful three story house that wasn't too big nor too small.

I hopped off of Liam's back and walk into the house

I walk upstairs and set Amelia in her crib. Liam comes up behind me and kisses my neck.

"Come here." He says. He kisses my lips and picks me up.

He carries me to our bedroom and sets me on the bed.

That night changed everything.

Tundra's POV

I put Jakob in his crib and Ash puts Aiden in his. I stand back and smile. This was my family and no one could take them away from me. Ash walks up to me.

"I found the rogues. They are in the dungeon. I have delta's and gamma's stationed around the house, about three miles away." Ash states quietly as he hugs me tightly.

"I'm glad that the boys are safe." I said in his head.

"I'm glad you're all safe." He whispers as he kisses my head.

We look at our pups and quietly exit their room. Before we closed the door, I looked at the empty crib in the corner. Cobwebs were covering it. A pang of sadness flew through my body. It was my fault. All my fault.

Ash and I went to our room. We laid in bed and minutes later, Ash was asleep. I couldn't sleep so I got up carefully and went to the bathroom. I closed and locked the door. I took a shaky breath and I blocked contact with Ash. I grabbed the sharpest thing I could find.

Normally when Jack hurt me, it kind of made me feel better. I got the pain I deserved yet I still felt the need to be harmed. Bad memories and voices filled my head. I began to slide the cool metal across my arms.

Kestrel's POV

I shot up in my bed and looked around. Was that real or a dream? The last time I had a vision was before the war.

I need to investigate.

I got up and made sure that Liam was okay. I look at my clock and see that it's only eleven.

I open the door and check on Amelia. She's fast asleep in her crib. I close her door and walk down the steps.

I open the door and quickly scan the area for any rogues. I close the door before shifting into a wolf.

I run through the woods while dodging trees and stumps.

I got to their house and shifted into my human form. I dusted myself off and knocked on the door.

Nobody answered.

I knocked again before hearing shuffling.

Ash opened the door half asleep. His hair was sticking in every angle and his eyes were droopy.

"What is it?" He asks me. "I need to talk to Tundra." I tell him. "Couldn't you just mind link her?" He groans.

"No, this is something I need to talk to her in person about." I reply.

He concentrates for a moment before squinting his eyes shut.

"What?" I ask him. "She has me blocked." He states. I almost drop to my knees.

She can only have him blocked for one reason.

I push him aside. "Do you know where she is?" I ask Ash frantically.

He nods and rushes through the halls. I follow him.

He leads me to a bathroom and I see a faint light underneath the door.

'Tundra?' I ask her through mind link.

'Oh shit.' I hear from her before I'm blocked. I get a glimpse of something before she does though.


And a lot of it.

I steady myself on the wall and Ash looks at me worried. "What is it?" He asks.

"Knock down that fucking door now." I demand through tears.

This is all my fucking fault.

Tundra's POV

I whimpered as blood poured out of my wounds. I wouldn't necessarily call them wounds. More like, self injuries. Once I noticed that I forgot to block out Kestrel, I started to panic. I tried to wipe up the blood but I could barely move.

My vision was darkening every second and I was barely grasping on life. The door flew off its hinges and across the bathroom. Someone ran to me and as soon as they touched me, I knew it was Ash.

"Tundra?! Tundra baby, can you hear me?! Stay with me!" Ash cried.

I was slowly fading. I hadn't noticed until now that Kestrel was in here as well. My eyes started to close as Ash gripped onto me, trying to stop the bleeding. Knowing him, he probably already mind linked a doctor. Everything went black, and the last thing I heard was a baby's cry.

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